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Hammerman |
Then on Friday Frank Villa a.k.a. Frank26 got into the act with this:
Frank Villa "Frank26" |
A quick glance at a list of WTO members and currency charts will tell you that many WTO member nations have a currency that is valued at less than a penny. In fact, S. Korea's currency is valued slightly less than the IQD and they have the 14th largest economy in the world.
Then on Saturday Blaino & Hammerman from Planet Dinar sent out this email to the faithful:
Join DINARGENIE at 9:30 PM EDT this evening for something new and different... a guided meditation to help focus our dinar community & it's mind/brain/spirit power and direct it at the blockages holding up the revaluation of the IQD... a new process that will leverage the known ability of the combining of minds for a positive outcome... "Thoughtforming" a new reality!
This is the power of prayer, meditation, brain wave stimulation and the projection of Positive Energy!
530-881-1300, PIN CODE: 137537#
Who is Dinargenie?
"Dinargenie" has worked for 30 years in the field of consciousness studies, meditation, empathic response, dreamwork, and psychology & symbolism. She is also a freelance biomolecular medicine/nutrition writer and researcher, and a professional astrologer.

*** Spiritual Warrior Prayer Call ***
We are done with sitting on our hands, being helpless bystanders to this great event. The RV is needed now by so many of us & we do have the power to influence this process, this is what tonight's call is about:
Science now talks freely about a natural force known as 'consciousness.' The field of physics recognizes consciousness & focused conscious intent as a powerful force that can influence matter as well as events (see author Lynne McTaggart's works, for example). This is proven over decades in controlled laboratory studies. It is also evident that the power of consciousness is exponential: when five people come together with a common goal in a focused way, the energy of that 'consciousness' force is equal to twenty-five (5x5=25), or ten people would equal 100 (10x10=100).
It has been written, "Where two or more gather in My name, there also will I be . . ."
As strong-minded human beings with God-given Free Will we can join together, focus the power of our heart-compassion energy as a group, and have a positive impact on this RV process and those who are behind it.
Tonight, empowered and working together, we can make a difference!
Did I mention what a circus this has become? Here's a suggestion. Instead of studying brainwaves and astrology how about a crash course in economics?
As doucheworthy as all of that may seem, Frank, Blaino, Hammerman, and Phoenix were outdone this week by the tag team of Breitling and Roger Dorman. On Monday Breitling did a video claiming first of all that the CBI's financial reports are bogus and that's why they're under sanctions. As one of my readers DaveD pointed out:
"Almost all sanctions against Iraq were lifted in 2003. For over 8 years now Iraq has had practically no sanctions. The only sanctions that stayed in effect were they were not allowed to deal in arms and they were not given full control of the DFI funds. They have since been given control of the DFI funds and I think there are still some arms sanctions. The gurus constantly bring up Chapter 7 as if it has all these sanctions attached to it. That’s a big lie. Chapter 7 is simply a designation by the UN that states a country is a danger. It allows sanctions to be placed quickly on a country. Without chapter 7 every single sanction would have to go through a full Security Council vote and all the politics that go along with that. They put a country under Chapter 7 and that allow them to place the sanction without a vote.
Back to Breitlings bogus claim. Iraq is under an IMF Stand By Arrangement. That is a loan program. One of the requirements for that program is complete transparency of their financials. They are not lying about the numbers."
Well stated, DaveD.
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Tony "Breitling" Elder |
Then on Tuesday Breitling put the icing on the douchecake with this:
"The CBI has a plan...a report came out and some people didn't pay attention to it. The General Inspector said that we are going to revalue for just under a buck. They let the cat out of the bag. In September they are going to print the money and in January supposedly put the new currency out & start redenominating at a 1 - 1 exchange, but I'm not betting on a time frame."
The report that Breitling is referring to is the SIGIR (Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction) report. Here's what the report actually says:
"In April 2012, the CoM postponed indefinitely plans for a currency reform that would have removed three zeros from the Iraqi dinar in 2013 and required the issuance of new currency notes. The reform would have made the dinar's value slightly less than $1. It is currently worth less than one-tenth of a cent."
http://www.sigir.mil/publications/quarterlyreports/index.html (page 95)
As you can see the word "revalue" isn't there. It says "currency reform that would have removed three zeros from the Iraqi dinar in 2013". As I discussed earlier this week "removing three zeros" means "lop". Sorry folks. Nothing to see here. No cat. No bag. No RV. After three zeros are removed from $.00086 the value for the replacement currency will be $.86 which is slightly less than $1 as is stated in the report. Breitling is once again taking the description of a lop and saying that it means RV.
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Roger Dorman |
I saw on DV that phoenix was on there defending himself and claiming to be honest and above board. The he makes the famous "I have not made any money off dinar" claim...isn't that what all of them claim?!!..I've heard him say it...roger say it...sonny say it...Frank say it...scooter say it...seems that none of the gurus are making any money...LOL
ReplyDeletePhoenix, the 54 year old from Pennsylvania, has gone down hill of late.
ReplyDeleteHe used to be rather interesting and while I agree with some of the stuff he says he is very good at embellishing and makes huge assumptions sound like facts.
Its a dangerous man who can convince his followers what they are saying is the truth.
Whats even more confusing is when self professed Christians like the avid Phoenix caller/groupie 'Jack' gets all excited and his cards read by the now resident Taot reader 'Isis' on Phoenixs show.
Hmmmmm Jack what does your Bible you read so closely tell you about Tarot readings?
I have come to the conclusion after listening to many of Phoenixs shows that a good portion of his supporters are not the sharpest tools in the shed as it were.
He reads news then offers common sense advice on a range of subjects which in turn gains respect and credibility with the followers.
He never gets called out on any of his gross assumptions so the followers are none the wiser and duely keep praising Phoenix "for all that you do!" blah blah.
His about 180 turn from being a not for profit host to his sly ways of benefiting from his position was not lost on the smarter folks.
He gets kickbacks and free stuff from his Herbal guy by plugging his products which in turn gets Herbal guy sales from the listeners. A win situation for Phoenix and Herbal guy.
Then theres the new 'If you like what we do click the donate button' angle hes now dishing out.
Fair enough its a free world, if people like it they are free to do what they like with their money.
His books? Well this just adds him to the James Wolf aka Adam Montana bandwagon of selling skewed information to the adoring masses.