Last Friday night there was a conference call where several very informed dinarians discussed the issues of liquidity and the Kuwait "RV" in a very honest and eye opening manner. Proteus, the leader of the dinar hub hosted the call, accompanied by his right hand man Patriot. Other panelists included Conrad, Scooter, Enoch8, Marcus Curtis, TenMillion, Chuckles, and Russell. The gist of the conversation is that Iraq is not obligated to exchange US dollars for dinars outside of their country, which leaves that task to secondary institutions like banks and currency dealers. Since very few banks are even dealing with the dinar any more that leaves only the currency dealers as a means for investors to exchange dinars for dollars. If the dealers aren't able to get in to Iraq in the event of a redenomination people who hold dinar could very well be stuck with truly worthless currency. This is a subject I feel needed to be addressed. After all, as long as the IQD is not internationally recognized it really doesn't matter what it's valued at. If it goes up to $10 but you can't spend it or exchange it for dollars what good is it?
I applaud these guys for having the gonads to take on this topic, but there were a few out there who weren't quite as thrilled to hear the subject addressed. Breitling, Dan and Tony from PTR, and the Gatekeepers all responded with criticism, ridicule, and outright animosity. It seems odd to me that with all of the hype and nonsense prevalent in the dinar community these people chose a conference call about a legitimate concern to express their outrage over. Where's the outrage over Okie's weekly RV announcement? Where's the outrage over all of the lies and rumours designed to promote dinar sales and traffic to dinar sites? Where's the outrage over the obvious fraud that this blog has exposed to the dinar community? Why save your venom for people trying to have an honest discussion about a very relevant topic? I suspect that the answer lies somewhere in the fact that the pumpers don't pose any threat to anybody's bottom line.
Here's the document they were referencing. Articles 32 was the focus of the discussion, which says among other things:
1. The CBI shall have the exclusive right to issue banknotes and coins intended for circulation in Iraq. Banknotes issued under this Article shall be the first charge on the assets of the CBI. The CBI shall make appropriate arrangements for the issue of its banknotes and coins for circulation in Iraq. Banknotes and coins issued by the CBI and intended for circulation in Iraq are not: promissory Notes, Bills of Exchange, or any other type of commercial document under the applicable commercial law, and the CBI is obligated to honor them only as provided for in this Law.
Like many statements involved in this investment this is open to interpretation. What was discussed in the call was the implications of a literal interpretation.
The Gatekeepers chimed in on Sunday with an hour and a half filibuster from Vic1 (who referred to The Call Squad as The Shit Squad) and great economic analysis from Joey (who admitted that she didn't even listen to the call) calling Patriot a jackass and saying to him "... you disgust me." The reason for her contempt for Patriot? Apparently she's upset because he had the audacity to question many of the things that were presumed to be true about this investment but upon further analysis turned out to be unsupported by the facts. She stated that he told her if there wasn't an RV by August 2011 he was going to take a break from the dinar. What a concept! They also seemed upset over a joke Patriot made about people slitting their wrists after listening to the discussion of the potential pitfalls of owning IQD. I'm baffled as to how a questionable joke about bringing people back to reality is the greater sin than the constant fantasy feeding that goes on with most of these guys, GK included.
Also on Sunday Breitling responded in a knee-jerk fashion calling it "amateur hour". He later removed that video but not before somebody snagged a copy of it and uploaded it to YouTube.
Then on Monday he posted a replacement video where he claims that all participants in this conference call are still invested in the dinar and still believe in it. Not true. Marcus Curtis has announced on his forum that he has sold ALL of his dinar! Chuckles sold most of his, too and has little confidence in it. And Patriot says that he no longer believes in a big RV. Breitling then goes on to say that there's no other side of the coin. (A one sided coin?) "Iraq is selling their currency internationally. Countries have dinar in their foreign currency reserves. END OF STORY!!!" blah blah blah ..... No documentation was offered to support those claims, of course.

Frank Bell from Dinar Banker stated in a message left for Proteus that the information presented in the call was essentially correct, although some of it could have been misconstrued. He even stated that in a subsequent call with The Gatekeepers. The point being raised isn't that Iraq is going to refuse to honor their currency or that they're going to pick and choose whose dinars they will redeem for dollars. The point was that if Iraq redenominates and the banks don't accept dinar and it becomes problematic for dealers to provide an exchange service for dinar investors, there is no obligation on the part of Iraq to come over here and provide that service. The dinar is not an internationally recognized currency and might not be for many years. John Jagerson addressed the issue of liquidity in his videos three years ago, and now many are beginning to understand why. Right now you can sell your dinar on ebay or sell it back to a dealer, but after the redenomination process begins what options will you have? That's the question.
Whether you agree or disagree with the opinions expressed in the conference call the proper response would have been an equally honest and informative discussion of the issue rather than a regurgitation of forum facts and unsupportable assumptions based on pumper hype. For their failure to do so the above parties (Gatekeepers, Breitling, Dan and Tony from PTR) are granted the first ever gang Douchie.
It really is funny to hear Breitling refer to someone else as “Amateur Hour”.
ReplyDeleteBreitling is on the short list of guys I’d pay to have a face to face with after this thing plays out.
Keep up the great work Sam. Comments have slowed a bit around here but we're still readng and I look forward to all of your new blog entries.
ReplyDeleteI think the word is getting out.
Thanks Dave. I can see the number of hits I'm getting so even though people aren't commenting as much I know they're still reading.
DeleteThanks Sam for all the work. I have not had as much time to comment and contribute, but no doubt I come and check in everyday to see the latest posts and read the thoughts of our fellow members here. If nothing else other than amusing and fun, it is a great reassurance that there are some people with some sanity that is watching all of this and realizing what these scam artists are up to!
DeleteSam, thanks for the great blog, sooo glad I found it! DaveD and all the other commentators on here are great reads too. Trying to talk to friends about this, but it is still hard to convince them of what is happening. Sites like yours give me the push to keep trying~
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments. It's always nice to hear some positive feedback. Good luck with your friends.
Delete++, i hear all these people being in this two's been going on 5+ for me, and
DeleteI know of at least 70k spent on this craziness.
Sam , I have been in this investment going on two yrs, I try and read all the opinions, on all sites and take each one with a grain of salt. without being too forward, do you have dinar? Sherry
ReplyDeleteHi Sherry. Yes, I have some, but I've liquidated almost 90% of what I once had. Once I did my research I arrived at a figure that I was willing to risk and sold the rest. I don't tell anybody to sell or not to buy. I just tell them what I believe the true risk and true potential is.
DeleteI will say it for you. DO NOT invest in the dinar. You will have a better ROI pimping overweight midgets at the unemployment office.
Deletewow reeder, you are way off. dont go jumping off a bridge when this thing rv's
DeleteYou're right sonny. Sherry, I was wrong. The dinar will RV 100,000% and people will make millions. So that you can better educate yourself on the dinar I would highly recommend a VIP membership service put together by a guy named Adam Montana (I don't think that's his real name, but no worries, it doesn't matter). Adam graduated from Harvard, is a licensed series 65 investment adviser, and also made a ton of money when Kuwait RV'd their currency, which is the exact same scenario Iraq finds themselves in. Sonny1 is a major contributor to Adam Montana's site, Dinar Vets, and with their extensive currency investment experience, ivy league education, and contacts that are so high up that even Cheech Marin doesn't know who they are, you can't find a better source of dinar intel to lead you into the financial promise land. If Sonny1 says it, I take it to the bank. He pisses gold every morning. He even coined the phrase, "Been wrong so many times that nobody listens to me anymore!" How many people can say that? Only one I know of, Sonny1.
DeleteFreaking hilarious!!!!!! Sonny is a joke. Sonny please stop posting. You always embarrass yourself. 20milliondinar embarrassed you on dv a few weeks ago as does everyone else when you post. Stop pumping no one is buying the poop coming out your mouth. You do provide great entertainment though so for that I say thanks. Douche
DeleteOkay Sonny. This time you're the instigator. Let's behave.
Deletecallingfoolsout, every time you post, you show how big of a zero you are.
Delete20 million didn't embarrass me, he posted 20 minutes of stupidity and i called him out.
i did nothing wrong in my post, i just wanted to make sure that reeder is stable enough not to do anything stupid when this rv's, thats all.
Lol you never let a lie go. I love it. Thanks for the entertainment. Stop pumping. You know it's not going to rv. You won't even take my bet. Everytime you post you show how much you know.........ZERO.
DeleteOh and by the way sonny....20 called you out because he called you out on your pathetic debating skills and shamed you so you put him on mod review and deleted his posts do you didn't look stupid, which we all know you are, and Sam actually watched that thread as well and sap shots were saved of you looking like a fool. The only stupidity was coming from you as it always does. So again you're lying and you always do. How are your bank contacts from 5/3, chase, and wells Fargo doing lol. They still want you and your group of 270 million dinar to cash in lol. You still in the phone with the bank presidents or managers discussing cash in details lol. YOU ARE A JOKE SONNY1. Now go sit and let the big boys bring reality to this scam you helped create.
DeleteI often wonder what my life would look like if it were stable. I picture myself with a degree from Harvard, an average looking, slightly overweight wife who works as a CPA, and some other certifications or licenses maybe in the field of financial services. I see us having family BBQ's with my best friend, Dummy1, and a whole host of other friends who look to me as a god because I've manipulated them into thinking I'm something that I'm not. If only life could be that stable.
DeleteSonny, in acknowledgement of all the invaluable intel you've provided over the years, I have created a new blog, a shrine if you will, in honor of you. You're welcome.
Lol. With everything we know about dummy1 I wonder why he still posts. Quit embarrassing yourself dummy1. Thanks reeder for the laughs. Love sonny's new name.
DeleteSure thing man.
DeleteAnd be sure to check out the blog everyone (it is real), it is a culmination of minutes of research.
Poor little sonny has to go to dv to talk about us reeder cause he knows if he does it here he will get called out on his lies. He has a shelter at dv where he can delete posts and ban people for shaming his posts. Sonny it's ok we all know you're full of poop and you have zero credibility.
DeleteHe also just claimed a 0% chance of Iraq lopping lol. Sonny if you're so confident in Iraq not RD then take my bet. Or us that another pump.
Sonny you claim loppers contribute nothing....what have you contributed but made up lies, bank stories, intel, & intel. Yea you're so much better.
You also just asked all the lopsters to leave dv and only post on SAMs site......umm doesn't dv have a lop section your con artist friend made for dv. Why to try and make everything all rainbows and unicorns on dv. Who needs truth???? Lol....certainty not you sonny.
Take the bet smart guy with your bank contacts and "M.E." contacts you can't go wrong.
Sam, Thank You so much for your honesty and integrity, I'm really impressed! I will most definitely keep reading your blog. Thank You again. Sherry
ReplyDeleteThe ones jumping out of the windows are the poor schmucks who have been buying them with every extra penny they could scrape up for the last 5 years or so, missing the odd car payment or such, every tax return or any little bit of found money they came across and now have something like $10,000 to $20,000 worth of dinar stuffed in the mattress. They don't think of it as such because it's only been a few hundred here and there over the years, but in fact this is way more than these people can afford to lose, as much psychologically as financially. These people aren't just going to lose the most significant store of wealth they have ever or likely will ever accumulate, they're going to have an abrupt and harsh adjustment in their belief structure at the same time.
ReplyDeleteThink of some poor guy who makes $30K a year, the "upper trailer park class" and got sucked into this nonsense. The kind of guy who reads the guru gibberish and is right at the threshold of not really knowing what they're talking about, but he does recognize the odd important sounding word or phrase enough that a guru sounds credible to him. So he dumps in his half his tax return, puts aside every little bit of overtime he gets, the money a guy like this should be saving up for a down payment on a house maybe. He's been daydreaming for several years now how rich he's gonna be. Finally he'll get a car with a warranty, he'll be able to buy Marlboros instead of the generics or rolling his own, Bud instead of Old Milwaukee... get the picture? I mean, your average all in dinar investor usually doesn't have a yacht but some might have a bass boat with a 10 year loan they really can't afford....
So, very soon, this poor guy is not going to be able to drown out the reality anymore. Slowly he's gonna find that he really will have to either go to Iraq to try and exchange his notes (which as I wrote earlier is gonna cost him pretty much all he has), take a serious raping on them on E-Bay (when it becomes evident to this crowd that they really are gonna cancel the old notes, the bus will have left town and E-Bay prices are gonna be about $100 per million, if that) or have a really expensive drawer full of very pretty but very worthless bank notes and that all those mean evil naysayers are right. All the family and friends who he kind of drifted away from because they didn't get how smart he was buying dinar, are gonna be telling him 'I told you so' for the rest of his life. All the ones who did see how smart he was, and pretty much got themselves into equally phucked up circumstances are going to (rightly) blame him for the rest of his life. Hell, his dog may not like him anymore. He's lost more than just his nest egg, he doesn't have a lot of people around him anymore that he can look at and not wonder if they're either hating him or laughing at him, and that's not a good place to be, mentally. Especially if you're dead broke.
And then for the rest of his life, he'll be finding things like that BMW brochure he picked up one day, and how he told the salesman he'd be back real soon for that pretty blue one, just as soon as his "big money" got cashed in....another guy who may be laughing at him...
Yeah, these are the ones that are gonna go postal or lose it some other way. The good news is, jumping out the window of a double wide is hardly ever fatal.
It just occurred to me that the perfect hedge for the Dinaridjits© is to buy life insurance on Gurus. If it does RV, you get rich, if it crashes and burns like, well, everyone with 2 digit IQs is saying, the gurus lives won't be worth a wooden nickel and the big payoff comes from MetLife instead of the CBI.