Recently the dinar world was updated by Eagle1 on the delays in the GCR (Global Currency Reset) and the roll-out of the Babylon II software that the international banking industry will supposedly be using to track every country's exchange rate and assets which will be required to back their currencies.
I'm not going to take the time to respond to the whole post, but I will address a few important statements. Eagle1's words are in red and my responses are in black.
* * * * *
Many months ago I published a post detailing the purposes of the Babylon II software that was implemented globally in the world banks. That process began last February.
This mythical software was no doubt called "Babylon II" because it would capture the attention of church people who believe that the RV of the dinar is a prelude to the eschatological "rebuilding of Babylon" in modern day Iraq. This view of bible prophecy has been exploited to trap untold thousands into buying dinar.
The rollout was not without flaws and failures despite months and months of testing. Without repeating a lot of what I said, the objective in the banking system was to enable daily adjustments in currency values while tracking the asset backing of each nation which would become the basis of each currency's valuation.
And we're supposed to believe that this incredible revamping of the world's currencies and the new software to track them has gone unreported by Forbes, the Wall Street Journal, and every other respected financial publication but somehow Eagle1 knows about it?
The functions incorporated in Babylon II make the software for Obamacare pale by comparison.
So implementing a program that keeps track of less than two hundred currencies and their nations' assets is more complicated than enrolling tens of millions of people into various health care plans? I knew that he was going to use the Obamacare website fiasco to explain why the Babylon II roll-out has been delayed. Look, if we've learned anything from this administration's screw-up it's how unnecessary the whole debacle was, and yet it only took a month or two to resolve the issues. But this Babylon II project has been delayed since February according to Eagle1.
The new banking software was essential for compliance with the Basel III protocols. Those protocols require all participating banks to raise their asset base to a minimum of 10% of overall liabilities.
As one of my readers jrg pointed out, the Basel III reforms can be found at and they say nothing about asset backed currencies.
That sounds nuts when you think about it but when you realize that banks have been operating at a level of 5% since 1999 during the Clinton administration -- a level incidentally which resulted in the 2007-2008 crash of so many banks -- you can understand that greed and the desire for increased profits motivated that downward shift in 1999.
Former Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, strenuously objected to the lowering of those standards in 1999, along with allowing banks to get into investment strategies for which they were not designed (or prepared) such as hedge funds, derivatives trading, etc., etc.
The Volcker Rule, which was just added to the Dodd-Frank regulations in the past few weeks, is an attempt to repair the cause of the banking debacle.
Even the 10% asset level, in my personal opinion, puts banks at continued risk -- especially when you have the kind of exploded economy we've been suffering through during the past five years.
A quick example, if you don't mind. When I was the president of Union Bond & Trust Company in the 80's, Hong Kong-Shanghai Bank (now HSBC) offered me $50 Million for one year at 7%, payable in arrears. At the time, it meant I could lend out $500 Million during that year. At prevailing interest rates, I could easily make $50 Million and more during the year, return the $50 Million loan at year's end plus the seven percent and be fat and happy.
Here it is. The big credentials reveal. This guy is not only a minister but he's also the former president of Union Bond & Trust. This of course is about gaining trust. Surely somebody with such an impressive background knows what's really going on here, right? Let me remind you that Rudy Coenen claimed to be a former VP at J.P. Morgan Chase, but according to the federal indictment against him he worked there a total of one day and wasn't a VP of anything. Rudy is now awaiting sentencing for defrauding dinar investors.
The catch was that if any of my bank officers made risky loans, I could get hung out to dry and be liable for those funds without the ability to repay in a timely fashion.
We do business locally with Yakima Federal Savings & Loan for our ministry. They are easily the strongest banking institution in the northwest and one of the strongest in the nation. They keep their asset base at around 27% (and at the moment are nearing 30%). By comparison, this past year Bank of America was sanctioned by the FDIC because their asset level fell to 4.57%.
You get the picture!
With the Global Currency Reset in the offing, the implementation of the Volcker Rule is highly significant.
The major banks have been required to implement this rule immediately, while smaller banks will have until 2015 to get out of the various investment portfolios they are involved with.
The chief concern, and the primary logic behind the implementation of this rule, is that with the GCR taking place and many people holding different currencies, among which are the IQD and the VND, there will be a sudden influx of cash into the banks and the banking system as a whole.
Banks will suddenly have multiplied millions of dollars on deposit that they can turn around and reinvest into legitimate banking operations.
The Volcker Rule prevents banks from using those funds in riskier endeavors and putting depositors' monies at risk.
Is he saying that the Volcker Rule was implemented to protect the windfall from the RV and the GCR?
Many of you will remember the "false flag" events that preceded Kuwait's revalue 20 years ago and China's revalue more recently. In each case, just prior to the revaluation of their currencies, notices were published which were designed to deflect any immediate attention to what was actually occurring.
False flag? You mean Saddam didn't invade Kuwait and take their money and torch their oil fields? You mean he never used WMD? You mean he wasn't one year away from getting nukes when coalition forces decimated his program? (last paragraph page 1)
China made the statement that they weren't going to revalue their currency "at all" and 24 hours later did just that! With Kuwait, a notice was sent out by the Emir that they were postponing the revalue of their currency to some indefinite date. 24 hours later the Kuwaiti Dinar was revalued.
Again with this bogus China RV denial story? They denied that any time frame was agreed to, not that they would revalue. And their RV has been ongoing now for over eight years to the tune of a 35% increase, which is less than a 5% annual increase. There was no overnight RV that produced any windfall for speculators in China.
And once again, there was no Kuwaiti revaluation. The rate was the same when the central bank of Kuwait resumed business as it was before they were invaded.
Whether we've just seen a "false flag" with regard to Iraq or the GCR is a matter for some discussion. All of the information leading up to yesterday indicated that the GCR would go "live" at 5:50 PM Eastern.
Throughout the day we watched events unfold leading up to it. At the last minute, the process was halted and the delay was attributed (by some sources) as pushing it right up to Iraq's induction into the WTO. Whether there is any validity in that report is questionable.
In a conversation this morning with a representative from the WTO, I posed the question as to whether we were going to get to see this event yet this year or whether it would get pushed off to mid-January (most likely January 21st).
Apparently that question was also on this representative's mind and he said that he had put that same question to three of the central bankers who are part of the GCR process. Each of them in succession swore up and down that the GCR absolutely HAD TO HAPPEN before the end of 2013.
We shall see, won't we?
We saw, all right. There's more in his post but that's about all my stomach can handle at the moment. Let me just remind everybody of some things that Eagle1 has stated in the past. He claimed in 2012 that Iraq has over $70 trillion in assets, in part due to the fact that he confuses billions with trillions. Not something one would expect from the former president of a financial institution, is it? In the same post he claimed that U.S. soldiers struck gold while digging foxholes in the streets of Baghdad. (Now think about that for a minute. Why do soldiers dig foxholes in battle? They do it when they're in open areas and there's nothing to hide behind to avoid enemy fire. In urban warfare you have buildings, cars, walls ... etc. Why would you dig a foxhole when you can hide behind things that are already there? And how is a foxhole going to hide you from a sniper on the fourth floor of a building looking down on you? And even if they wanted to dig a foxhole, Baghdad is a fairly modern city with paved streets. How does one dig a foxhole through pavement?) Then in June of 2013 he blamed the GCR delay on the Edward Snowden situation.
* * * * *
Re: Frank26......08-14-2011
Well his profile said Sunnyside, Washington so I typed "Sunnyside", "Washington", and "dinar" into Google and found this link. The guy in the photo looks a lot like Eagle1 to me, and his first name matched what was sent to me in April, which is not a very common name. Yep, I think we have a match. Thanks for the tip, BTW.
Here's a couple more links to information on Regner "Eagle1" Capener. I can't say that any of his claims aren't true, but based on what I've seen in the dinar community up until now I'm understandably skeptical.
Even if everything he says about himself is true, his dinar intel and analysis hasn't been any better than any other guru up until this point. Proceed with caution.
For further consideration:
Just another con man who will hopefully do time after this whole fiasco is over. It makes you wonder who he is working for. Treasury Vault, Dinar Banker, Sterling, Dinar Trade? There is absolutely no doubt that it is one of them. Speaking of working for a dinar dealer...........did anyone happen to catch Adam admit a while back that dealers offer him money to pump dinar but he always refuses? LOL.........guess the VIP ripoff pays well enough.
ReplyDeleteNicely done once again Sam.
Here is another good info link. No where is it stated he was a vp of any banking organization. It does say he spent a couple years in international banking but the way this ego stroking "look at me" link reads, it would have for sure mentioned such a high level position.
Lying about being a VP of a bank? Probably just to get fake credentials out there to gain trust from the unknowing.
This @ss clown looks like one of those numb nuts on them christian televangelist shows selling blessed water and oil trying to get you to plant that monetary seed. LMAO!!!
ReplyDeleteI don't know what is going on in Texas but there is a load of these buffoon christian propagandist involved in selling the RV lie. Personally I do not believe for one second any of them are true and faithful servants of god but rather of their own wallets. They understand that many christians are conservatives so they sell that image. It is not surprising why so many of these con artist in the RV scam are southerners. And before I get dumped on let me make it clear that I live in the south which is why I picked up on that.
Btw, seems like he's due for a new rug. I meant hair piece.
Isn't it funny that most southern conservative christians hate liberals with a passion but yet "worship" the biggest liberal of all.....JESUS. Oh America
DeleteAll three of you are clueless about what's going on. You are pawns of negative trash purveyor "Sam I Am".
ReplyDeleteThe fact that you have come here and have commented negatively about someone you don't even know anything about (Eagle1) AFTER "Sam I Am" (Dr. Suess character admitted "I can't say that any of his claims aren't true" demonstrates that you are following a negative marginalized bottom feeder (Sam I Am). Wake up!!!
What trash? I simply provided links to information. The only thing I said about Eagle1 is that I'm skeptical about his claims based on my experience with similar types in the dinar world. If it's "trash" to rebut somebody's analysis or to review their history of flawed intel then I guess I'm guilty of purveying trash, but I think most people would refer to that as commentary or debate. If this global currency reset happens any time in the next couple of years I guess I'll owe "Eagle1" an apology, but people have been predicting this reset and the RV for years with no results. That being the case I might offer you the same admonition .... Wake up!
DeleteHi there Eagle1 you're just here to TROLL!! Why don't you be a man and post with your regular name Eagle1 rather than registering another name to pretend you're an idiot supporter of Eagle1?!! Don't you have another side scam business to run "Capener Ministries"? Or perhaps a bank overseas to run? How about your nursery rhyme music business? LMAO....
DeleteLOL. You sound absolutely terrified Johnny...
Delete"Johnny Ell", I follow no one. I come here to obtain and sometimes provide the truth. If you can't handle the truth when you show up here, then you better get back to bible thumping and prey, I mean pray, you don't get caught being a fraudulent scammer.
Delete1. NOT TERRIFIED AT ALL WHEN DEALING WITH midgets like you "BS"!! LOL right back at ya!!!
Delete2."vinnyg7" ...your ignorance speaks volumes. I am NOT Eagle but yes I do know him quite well...I have a full deck...too bad you're playing with only 2 cards and they are both JOKERS! You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Eagle1 and you have clearly demonstrated that by your comments here along with your other gadflys. By the way, why "don't you be a man and post with your regular name?" Give us you phone and address and history? Eagle did and you have NOT!
3. "Sam I Am" your green eggs and ham smell really bad...You are guilty of casting dispersions and lamely attempting to create doubt and then retrenching to the supposed safe haven of "I can't say that any of his claims aren't true." HOW LAME IS THAT!!! Any lil' Dr. Suess character like yourself can "provide links" ( while running with your green eggs and ham.
Why is it "trash"? BECAUSE YOUR REBUTTAL WAS NOTHING MORE THAN INNUENDO. Case closed. By the will owe Eagle an apology because the GCR is in motion. Your lack of knowledge of this is because you've been out by the lake(your cute lil' photo) smoking bowls and purveying rumors while other folks and in the game. GET IN THE GAME Sam I Am!
4. Whispering299 Glad to hear that you "follow no one" but the fact that you come here and call Eagle a "liar" when you don't know what you are talking about shows that you too are playing with two jokers. I do know the truth . Too bad that you are so clueless that you never will.
Unless you mean that I'm breaking up a crowd I assume that you mean "casting aspersions" which I haven't done. I rebutted his statements and then provided a few links to allow others to form their own opinions. As I stated earlier if this GCR really happens (we're talking a major restructuring of currencies with a return to asset backed valuations here, not a few currencies going up or down a % or two which always happens) I will offer an apology for questioning Eagle1's intel. In the meantime maybe you can address some of the other points made like the supposed $70 trillion Iraq has in assets, or the 11 month delay in the implementation of Babylon II, or the gold-producing foxholes in the streets of Baghdad, or the Edward Snowden-based GCR delay by China.
Delete"Johnny", you're not the first over-emotional cult follower to pop up frantically trying to silence everyone with "HOW DARE YOU INSULT MY BELOVED GURU!" knee-jerk hysteria and the most childish of failed screeching insults after your 'pied piper' guru has had his lies and chronic dishonesty well & truly outed. Enorrste was utterly destroyed here last year as have several others over the years. Many go similarly berserk with fury when someone "dare" call out their BS and hold them accountable to their years worth of failed predictions, fake claims, fabricated made-up "secret intel" with a 100% track record of failure and yes - outright blatant lies. There genuinely was no Kuwaiti RV. Anyone who still claims there was is a bald-faced liar - including Eagle1. That issue alone is not some "difference of opinion", it is cold, hard, easily verifiable objective fact in plain sight even on the Central Bank of Kuwait's own website. If numbers are too difficult to understand, then here's a picture of what happened to the KWD before, during and after Iraq's invasion. Your self-proclaimed "mathematician" guru also can't even tell 1bn from 1tn. Repeatedly. $1,025,728,000 is $1 billion dollars, not $1 trillion...
DeleteLike it or not, the facts have been posted, Eagle1's fake claims debunked, his incorrect figures corrected, his past predictions requoted to be shown as the 100% failures they are, etc, both in the article and in comments further down, and no amount of huffing, puffing, shrieking or wailing like a teenage emo on Youtube trying to show off in front of his friends and "get back" at someone after losing an argument is going to censor them or stop anyone here speaking the truth about guru's and the dishonest RV pumping they churn out.
Its easy Johnny, just go to and find ANYTHING there that in any way backs up ANYTHING Eagle1 has claimed about the Basel III protocols, or Babylon II software, or asset backed currencies, or the GCR, or anything. All I know about Eagle1 is what he have posted, and that is clearly full of blatant lies. What more do I need to know?
DeleteJohnny Ell is not your name but your guru mask name. But if you really want to discuss real names mine is Vinny Garagiola. The number "7" identifies the 7th dan I've attained the last 41 yrs of studying Kyokushin and am still very active. I thought putting my entire name and the reason for the "7" was unnecessary and quite frankly could not support all those characters but now you know the truth. Now "shin" (truth) is something neither you or your guru colleagues are humble enough to understand nor willing to accept.
DeleteYou speak of providing addresses and contact information of which I neither see you sharing yours here nor at your google+ account. So if you're eager to have others let's start with yours. Perhaps I can come over and give you a one-on-one demonstration of Kyokushin as most likely 30 seconds is all I'll need. Is that a threat? No just an offer. But that's besides the point.
Those little spew lines of real name, address and contact info is old played out guru lines when they have zero legitimate information to offer. How about you come to this site, study the truth which has been provided based on REAL information rather than the crystal meth pipe line of poison you gurus disseminate that is hurting the innocent? You have ZERO evidence of GCR occurring or ever will!! Are you that dense or hooked on the NESARA, CMKX, PROSPERITY PACKAGES, TONY, OKIE, ETC... crack? Your repeated juvenile comments of Dr Seuss display your mentality and lack of economic understanding which is why you're still caught up on the get rich quick scam!
You state "I have a full deck..." NOT if you're an avid believer of the Dinar RV and all of what you gurus spew!! LOL... Quit while you have have a chance because the more you open your crap trap the more methane gas exposes how full of poo poo you are.
You also defend yourself saying "You know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about Eagle1". Well who else would be so injured, offended and compelled to defend his illustrious potty reputation of lies and scam talk if you are not Eagle1? Or are you like a dingle berry on his crack holding on for more waste to join you?
So since you are set on contact information we'll await for you to initiate that action by providing your REAL information as well as Eagle1's. I'd sure love to speak to both of you on a private conference or even better in person. You might be really surprised as to who I am AND "my history" as you so desperately seek.
The last thing I will inform you on is while we here respect Sam for his excellent effort in all he's uncovered, we do not need to defend him because Sam is extremely capable of doing so on his own. That being said know that Sam does not run a BS Dinar like forum here like the cesspool communities you're accustomed to. You come here and attack like a sissy and run with no substantiated information as others have, I guarantee you will leave minced meat because this is a forum of logical, intellectual and dedicated folk who despise trash rumors / hype and simply deliver the truth founded on verifiable evidence. So either you give up you TROLLING now or crawl away if lucky with a destroyed ego. Conversely, if you want an actual discussion / debate as to our differing of opinion on the RV and becoming wealthy overnight then we will certainly welcome that respectfully because that's what this site is about. You choose!!!
What kind of Christian preys off the poor? WWCD? I mean WWJD? If people can't smell the scam, they better start doing some research, Bottom line is if you pump this tripe (the idea of a RV) you will do time. Drops the mic......
ReplyDeletenice try lil' "chuckles the clown" ( Eagle has NEVER "preyed off the poor". Let's see your "research" dispelling the RV! Bring it on lil' clown!!
DeleteThere is enough information here, go read it for yourself. You're boring and childish.
DeleteAs Chuckles so clearly told you little Johnny, you are boring and childish. You're not the first "teenager in mommy's basement" to come trolling here and most likely will not be. You have zero to offer here but "I love my gurus cause they're special!" Obviously your favorite hideaway RV dream site is no longer stimulating your hype enough as you are casting doubts on the investment and feel compelled to come here to learn the truth. However, the truth is too overwhelming for you at this point so you lash out with immature commentary because the pain is too great. But I assure you that the more you read what has been presented about the truth and distance yourself from one of the greatest lies ever told and sold your ego will heal. You'll find comfort in the truth to know it's not too late and you're not the only one who's been scammed as tens of thousands or even millions have as well. Greed is a cancer and obviously this cancer has already killed a few unfortunately.
DeleteThese old MLM farts don't realize they are easy to trace on the web. Thanks to the NSA. The internet never forgets! So to the boys selling the hopium..let me ask you you want your grand kids to have to see you behind bars? Or can you just stop the crap and go away? What is enough for you? Scam the Boomers, scam the poor, scam the religious hopefuls. I ask you..when will it end? It is a classic case of sociopathic behavior. Do you not see that?
ReplyDeleteNice debunking Sam. Anyone still pumping the Kuwaiti "RV" lie is a total fraud.
ReplyDelete"So implementing a program that keeps track of less than two hundred currencies and their nations' assets is more complicated than enrolling tens of millions of people into various health care plans?"
You wouldn't even need a program - you could do the same in a small Excel spreadsheet. LOL. Eagle1 looks to be another con-man who can't even do basic junior grade maths:-
Eagle1 - "According to the CIA’s statistical reports at the end of 2011 (and they provide these reports for all countries or nations of interest), the CBI held some 80 metric tons of gold in its vaults at that time. (We know, by the way, that this number has increased significantly since then"
That's another lie as the CBI actually has around 30t of gold:-
Eagle - "So that you understand the significance of these amounts, let me break it down for you. There are 14.57 ounces of gold in a troy pound. There are 2200 pounds in a metric ton. That equals 32,054 ounces in a metric ton. Multiply that by a rounded off $1600/oz. and you have a dollar value of $51,286,400 per metric ton of gold. Now let’s pick an arbitrary number and say that the CBI is going to sell of a quarter of the gold reserves they had at the end of 2011. That works out to $1,025,728,000 (a trillion, 25 ¾ billion dollars) in cash returns to the CBI for the sale of that gold. A trillion plus dollars to add to their coffers."
ROFL! $1,025,728,000 = 1 billion (not 1tn). For the mathematically illiterate : 12 zero's = 1tn, 9 zeros = 1bn, 6 zeros = 1m, 3 zeros = 1k. In reality, Iraq's 30t of gold (30,000kg) @ $39,786 per kg = $1.193bn worth...
Eagle - "According to the Year-End Report issued by Ernst & Young (December 31, 2011, and signed off as accepted by Dr. Shabibi on February 2, 2012), Iraq’s Central Bank held a total of $76T+ in monetary assets"
Again, the report in question (along with CBI & IMF reports) said $76 billion. As you said, the man who's supposedly a "high level banker" can't even add up!
Then there's the usual failed pumping:-
DeleteEagle1 - "The essence of the agreement is that Shabibi will release the RV and that it will be in full force NOT LATER THAN January 3rd of 2012. This essentially confirms what Frank has been sharing over the past couple of months or so -- namely, that Iraq's January is our December. Delta has been pretty certain that we would see things during the last two weeks of December, and this report bears that out."
Eagle1 - "Let me end this post by saying that our intel from the IMF and the UN is telling us that they want this thing finished no later than September 1."
Eagle1 - "As already noted, the USD is in the third basket of 30 currencies. Those currencies are due to complete their restructuring by the weekend of June 29-30. Following the same line of logic concerning the traditional 72 hour hold, we can expect to see this currency shift completed and “live” by July 1 or 2."
...etc, etc. I guess I must have slept through that weekend. LOL.
And here is Eagle1 pumping the "Omega Fund" scam:-
Eagle1 - "We've talked about the necessity of funding things like the Alpha Fund, the Omega Fund, the Prosperity Packages and — finally — five UN projects."
For those unaware, the Alpha & Omega Fund were fraudulent scams preying on churches with a guy putting on a fake religious act that promised "imminent wealth" (sound familiar?) that led to its founder Clyde D. Hood being jailed for 14 years:-
If he's pumping the well known Omega scam too, then "Eagle1" is a total fraud to the core.
Well it's fairly obvious who Johnny Ell is but the fact he won't come here as who he really is shouldn't come as any surprise since he is completely incapable of the truth!
DeleteBrian says,
"If he's pumping the well known Omega scam too, then "Eagle1" is a total fraud to the core"
Lol! Even if he's not pumping the Omega scam he's STILL a total fraud to the core!!
As for Regner Alvin Capener (Eagle1) himself, here's his linkedin profile:-
Despite his claims, his employment history says nothing whatsoever about holding any senior banking position:-
And here's his profile from his church:-
Not to mention this gem : "Beginning while still in early grade school, he began to develop his God-given skills in mathematics and engineering." (So "skillful" at maths in fact, that he still cant tell a billion from a trillion after decades of "engineering experience"... LOL)
About the only thing about "banking" is this:-
"By now, of course, I was in Nome, working at the bank and receiving my training to take the management of the Kotzebue branch; and at the same time helping our family friend and brother in the Lord, Paul Bills, in his pastorate of the church in Nome where I’d grown up in my early childhood. A general unrest began to develop in my spirit in the midst of my bank management training, and I realized this was not the direction of the Lord in my life. The job wasn’t paying a whole lot of money [unless you are in senior management in banking, you don’t make any money at all], and I was struggling to pay my bills."
So his "international banking" credentials by his own admission are basically that he worked for a short period as a junior teller in a small local branch of Alaska National Bank in a tiny "city" whose total population is just 3,210 (smaller than most towns) and he was "undergoing training to become a local bank manager" but quit in the middle of it to become a civil engineer surveyor...
Delete"Regner has been in radio and television broadcasting and broadcast engineering most of his life.". The guy is basically a radio engineer-turned-pastor pretending to be some global financial secret agent big-shot on "RV" forums (though not on more professional forums like LinkedIn). He also claimed to have "invented the wireless microphone" which is hardly true - The first wireless mics appeared in 1945. Given he was born in 1942 "living in Eskimo villages", you can draw your own conclusions from that. RAF Flight Engineer Reg Moores in 1947 refused to patent it solely because he was using an illegal 76MHz freq and didn't want to get in trouble. USAF Chief Comms Engineer Herbert McClelland had a similar system. Shure & Sennheiser were the first proper commercial producers of it. The first patent was filed by Raymond Litke, etc:-
He also claimed to have invented "Quadrophonic Sound" and the "precursor to Dolby Surround" around 1960. Again, the first medium for 4-channel sound was the quadraphonic reel-to-reel tape, standard in European electronic-music studios by 1953 (when he was 11 years old still living in Eskimo villages), and Dolby Surround was actually based on the work of Alan Blumlein and Harvey Fletcher, the former holding 128 patents including "Using hybrid transformers to matrix between left and right signals and sum and difference signals" (which is exactly how Dolby Surround works).
He also claimed to have "pioneered digital audio and discovered a means to convert computer code into music" (Pulse Code Modulation). Again, in reality, PCM was invented by British scientist Alec Reeves in 1937 (5 years before Regner was born) who was granted a patent in 1943 (when Regner was 1yr old). Telecoms (Bell Labs, etc), the BBC and Denon all had digital audio systems long before Regner claimed to have "invented" them, and digital comms were around even in WW2 1942 as part of "SIGSALY".
As for "inventing the Stereo Guitar", pretty much everyone under the sun has done that from Paul Kinny to Rickenbacker's "Rick-O-Sound" and about 100 others since the 1940's...
Google must be a b*tch when you're a pumper...
Brian you are, as the younger crowd today would say, AWESOME!!
DeleteWhile I can't add anything I do want to take the time to say that I, and I'm sure others here also, GREATLY appreciate your effort and awesome ability to quickly produce so much information, information backed up by reputable links I might add!
Keep up the fantastic work!
Hey thanks dwm. To paraphrase an old film - "I love the smell of burning RV pumpers in the morning" :-D
DeleteI'll second that, dwm. Brian and John Jagerson were my biggest influences when I was doing my belated due diligence, and since he joined us here at DDB he has been a valuable contributor.
DeleteForget about the difficult task of adding up. Eagle1 doesn't even know that billion comes before trillion. LMAO!!
DeleteI wonder if he has the same issue calculating the donations to his slimy ministries??
As for "Johnny El" with his commentary drive-by, he's nothing more than the typical one hit wonder who never returns to defend which is why I lean towards the idea that it could be Eagle1 with a different ID or if not one of his henchmen such as his dinar dealing employers.
"no later than September 1." or "June 29-30” or "by July 1 or 2."
DeleteProblem is Eagle1 never says what decade. ;-)
Good stuff Brian!! One thing he hasn't claimed to have invented in Prozac and lithium but it's clear he needs heavy doses of it. I wouldn't be surprised if he claims to have helped Jesus carry the cross to Calvary!! LOL...
DeleteThanks Sam & Vinny. Just putting the truth out there. It seems to drive some people berserk ;-)
DeleteSorry but this is too easy to let go.
DeleteJohnny Ell is lambasting Sam by ridiculing him as a Dr Seuss character when you have "Regner Alvin Capener (Eagle1) himself" a.k.a. Alvin and the Chipmunks because we all know he has a utopian team of followers.
Yah, this ass clown Regner took thousands from my dad, and recently has then taken the physical Dinar to be able to divide out the profits when it RV's! It seems it would actually be to resell the physical shit to other pops being one of them! I want to get his ass arrested!
DeleteAl Qaeda Forces In Iraq Take Over Fallujah And Ramadi
ReplyDeleteQASSIM ABDUL-ZAHRAAPJan 04, 2014
BAGHDAD (AP) — Two Iraqi cities that were strongholds of Sunni insurgents during the U.S. war in the country are battlegrounds once more after al-Qaida militants largely took them over, fending off government forces that have been besieging them for days.
The overrunning of the cities this week by al-Qaida's Iraqi branch in the Sunni heartland of western Anbar provinces is a blow to the Shiite-led government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Malik. His government has been struggling to contain discontent among the Sunni minority over Shiite political domination that has flared into increased violence for the past year.On Friday, al-Qaida gunmen sought to win over the population in Fallujah, one of the cities they swept into on Wednesday. A militant commander appeared among worshippers holding Friday prayers in the main city street, proclaiming that his fighters were there to defend Sunnis from the government, one resident said.
Yup Johnny Ell was right when he said "...the GCR is in motion..". I'm sure he meant Great Citizenry Revolution and it won't be because they've all became millionaires over the RV!!
DeleteWell it look's as if Eag.....err Johnny Ell decided not to respond,
ReplyDeleteDamn, the truth hurts don't it!!!
I just love to see these guys squirm! They're so accustomed to bullying and censoring anyone who confronts them with the truth they don't know how to act when someone calls their hand and they can't do anything about it except whine!
No "deciding not to respond" here (dim witted minion 009) dwm009. This doesn't hurt at all LOL! When dealing with half baked innuendo it NEVER hurts!!
DeleteThe only bullying is what you folks are doing here to Eagle but since you don't know what your talking about it's a TOTAL GOOF!
Johnny, I feel sorry that you are so brainwashed for an RV that you have to resort to be"littlin" people. May god forgive you if you talked anyone into this thing. Sorry for the bad news, you aren't going to get rich off this, unless you are at the center of scamming others. Enjoy the money while it lasts. Eagle has a flock, and what that means is it's made up of sheep. Baaah!
DeleteWe'll see who has the last laugh chuckles lil' clown and I assure you that it won't be you! Go back to your circus it's time for you to continue being the clown that you are.
DeleteIf that helps you sleep at night. So be it. Love ya!
DeleteYou're right Johnny it won't be just Chuckles with the last laugh but ALL OF US!!! Every last logical person who either invested or realized it was a scam or anyone who saw it for what it really was before wasting money. Eitherway that is irrelevant because this site is about bringing reality to those who are open-minded and unaware of being scammed. You on the other hand are clearly a BUFFOON!!!
DeleteWe're still waiting for your address and phone number to call you or take you to lunch. I'm sure all of your money is tied up in the dinar invest-a-scam and could use a Happy Meal to cheer you up. LOL..
Johnny Ell, Eagle or whoever you you are you will find that your belligerence simply won't work here!
DeleteLMAO! These guys are so predictable, as soon as they are confronted with the truth they can not dispute by logical means they go straight to yelling and name calling! Johnny/Eagle how does it feel to have the facts thrown at you and there's not a damn thing you can do to stop it? You can yell, scream and act as childish as you like but you can't silence the people here like you're accustomed to doing on your trash forum, making yourself look like an idiot is only hurting you!
Now how about a little challenge since you seem so sure this mythical "RV" is true, how about you pick out any subject, Kuwaiti "RV", Iraq's money supply, or ANY other reason you can think of to back up anything you (pretend to) believe and let's have a respectable discussion. How about it, quit acting like an idiot and explain your position, I bet you CAN'T back up anything you say!
Johnny this isn't about bragging rights or gloating. This scam is a human tragedy. Right now there's a group of RV hopefuls camped out in a hotel in Reno, Nevada awaiting this GCR that Eagle1 is touting. Some have been there for months and at least one person has been there for a year. Marriages have been destroyed. Life savings risked and possibly lost. Some have even died because of it. I wish you could read through my email to see what this is doing to people. And when I see how many naive Christian people are being exploited by a Christian leader whom they trust it infuriates me. I won't be laughing at anybody who loses money to these scammers. I want to help them. That's why I started the blog. I will find a certain amount of satisfaction however in seeing more of these scammers doing a perp walk. It can't happen f ast enough IMO.
DeleteSam, Truthfully the ones that want to be helped generally are receptive to information at the very least. Sadly, the ones with the egos who come here to slam people because THEY don't know what they're talking about will be the ones crying and depressed in the end. But as the adage goes, you can't help those who don't want the help.
DeleteThat being said, you are doing a fantastic job no doubt as well as many others who shed light on the truth as well. Religious beliefs doesn't make anyone any wiser, smarter or better which has been proven an exponential number of times in the dinar community.
It really starts to get boring that when you try to help people with things like history, and facts, and even logic. They still don't understand the truth. That is why the Dinar is so taken in by the religious. They take every thing on faith, the follow their Sheppard's advice. Why is the proof always required on the dissenter's part? There is enough on the internet if people did a simple Google search. I don't care if people believe in an RV or not, the truth is you will lose money unless you are selling it. The best retribution would be the dealers being left high and dry with taking a lot of dinar and have no place to go with it. Yes, they made 40% when all is said and done, but to buy it back comes at a price as well. Does anyone really believe someone like Ty or Ali has billions of dinar in their safe? No way man! They are selling it as quick as they get it. Think of hot potato. Who wants to be the one left with inventory when it all goes south? Just saying.
ReplyDelete"Does anyone really believe someone like Ty or Ali has billions of dinar in their safe?"
DeleteThat is the absolute truth. What these dealers have are ACCESS to that amount of dinar provided they needed to source it. In the past Sterling Currency claimed they kept that much dinar on hand but have since made modifications to their claims by indicating they have connections in the middle east. Big difference.
Now speaking of Sterling they have been gifting (10) 1k notes with every paid million dinar order. So that begs the following questions. (1) Why would they be gifting potentially $35,000 (this is calculated on the dinar dreamers $3.50 RV x 10k IQD)? (2) Aren't the 1k notes 2.5x more expensive to purchase than the 25k notes? (3) Since Sterling claims that 1k notes are more expensive to purchase due to the difficulty or rareness of getting their hands on, why would they gift them? Or perhaps these 1k notes are just worthless out of circulation notes? Any way you slice it they cannot be of any value now or in any forseeable future. But people will continue to make the mistake of lining these dealers or rather Money Service Business folk wealthy. Personally, if I was going to throw away my money I'd like to do it in a more exciting fashion or at very least having a bonfire with it. ;-)
Indeed. Common sense is the first victim of the absurd "RV" myth - if gold were to "RV" up 100,000% upwards vs the $, would you SELL gold coins in exchange for $ BEFORE it happened? Amazing how many people cannot smell even this "elephant in the room" with the MSB's selling an endless supply of Dinar - if the "100,000% RV" were real (which it isn't), you simply wouldn't be able to buy ANY Dinar because all the Money Services Business (and the people they acquire Dinar from in Iraq) would be panic-hoarding them all. They'd even be offering to buy them back BEFORE the RV at 10x even 100x the current $ price if they genuinely believed it would shoot up 1,000x fold...
DeleteIf the "100,000% RV" was real the "Dinar buy-back" rates would already be $8,000-$84,000 for 1m Dinar BEFORE any RV because even at those prices they'd still make 990-9,900% profit on it. And people still don't "get it". LOL. For some, I doubt they ever will...
Just do this simple thing is all I ask. Get dressed up and go into a coin shop, and ask them you want to trade (let's just say 25,000 dinar) for an ounce of silver (just an Eagle) which is about 21.50. You do that and get back to me if you came home with silver. I already know what will happen. You will walk out with your tails between your legs and hear laughter behind you. I did this for fun back in 2011. I have recorded calls from banks just laughing. It was classic! O' but we need to keep this hush hush cause the lizard men will get onto the global reset and stop it. Ha!
ReplyDeleteChuckles you used to have a dinar website called dinardater why have you changed your mind on the RV
ReplyDeleteWhy are you here TROLL?!! Are you "Johnny Ell"?? Or Eagle1? Eitherway doesn't matter you're all clueless. LOL..
DeleteDB. Well it took a few years learning about how currency really works (it's not like a stock, it's not like gold) and that is how it's always worked. I admit all this in the bio Sam did with me, if you have ever perused his site ( I dunno). I never ever thought of hard currency as an investment, and it sounded semi plausible given all the hype at the time. Until I started my own site, and did my own research, and got to know some of the other forum owners and people that went from site to site. It really didn't take long to realize that there was some shady stuff going on in some of these forums (they pull you in, then try to sell you something else). I get that people want an easy way to cash, who doesn't (It's the 'Merikan dream)? I've always had IRA's and 401k's, but when I was presented with a get rich quick for little pain, sure if you had the cash lying around who wouldn't? The real problem lies in that most don't, and what tends to make me cringe the most is sayings like "don't spend more than you can afford to lose". Who goes into any venture be it an investment or a road trip without realizing it's a lose lose if you haven't read up on what you are investing in, or where you are going to end up? The other terrible cop out all these guys give to their sheeple is "no one knows". Yes we do! It cannot happen based on the really really simple concept of the liquidity obligation that Iraq has put themselves in. I am just waiting on the USD RV because we all know our resources GDP and oil we have we are undervalued. Ha, wait? No, the value of our currency is right were should be...and so is Iraq's.
DeleteLook, frankly I don't care if you lose money, I'm not vested in your future. If you are a man you should be responsible for your decisions right? If you want to waste your time going from forum to forum looking for confirmation biased opinions so be it. Personally, I find that path is merely a distraction to better your position in life. Imagine if some of these mods, or trolls actually spent that time they are arguing in a chat room or forum into some real good for the community? I know an odd concept right? ...but I can hope can't I? Bottom line is "anyone pumping it is in on it".
DeleteThanks chuckles I was a member of your site- does scooter still think it will RV?
ReplyDeleteDunno, he went into hiding after the BH group was indicted after the raid. I've heard he's shown up on Bond Lady in the last year. Though it could be like a big foot sighting or the Okie legend. Someone writes the story and passed it off via a handle. It's easy to do when you run a forum to create multiple identities. None of it really matters does it?
DeleteDinarbeliever I think it would do you some good to research someone who went by the name of Marcuscurtis around 2 or 3 years ago on DV. He was one of the most well spoken intelligent "believers" of the "RV" that I had ever read. I admit that when I first got into this, his post made me the most excited about getting rich from the "RV". Everything he was saying seemed to make sense and he had a group of people who backed him up with assertions that the "RV" was a sure thing. After a while I began to learn about inflation and redenominations. It was then clear that even a well spoken intelligent guy on the internet was mistaken about the "RV". As I spoke out from the "lopster" tank about the silliness of the fabricated "RV" he would make statements about new "LOP monsters" that have popped up on the site. It wasn't 6 months later that MarcusCurtis, one of the most well spoken "RV" believers out there changed his stance and woke up to reality. He then wrote his own blog explaining to all that RVs are bogus made up fantasy and that everyone that he convinced over the years should instead attempt to recoup as much of their money from the dinar scam as possible.
ReplyDeleteReally anyone who has half of a brain wakes up to reality sooner or later. That explains why you and easyrider refuse to.
DeleteMarcus Curtis I remember him and I have read his stuff- he is wrong on certain aspects of the dinar namely that the currency won't become international. Iraq definitely wants their currency internationally traded - article 8 consultation - just saying Dinarck. As an aside I did follow your stuff on dinar vets and supported you- until my bank story- your gonna laugh but it's the truth
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think it means for a currency to be "traded internationally"? Do you think the IQD does not meet some list of qualifications in order to be so traded? Who would be enforcing that list? This is all just guru nonsense DB.
DeleteThere is no international trade of goods conducted in IQD, so there is no desire to trade the IQD itself either, and that is not going to change.
Exactly. When Iraq says that they want the dinar to be traded internationally they mean that they want to develop other sectors of their economy and produce goods that will have global demand which will create a demand for the currency. They don't mean that they just want to wave a magic wand and change its status. Creating international demand will take decades, and by that time the IQD will probably be long gone.
DeleteDamn it Sam!!! All along I believed internationally traded meant you went to a floating bank on international waters and exchanged your dinar when the IMF and UST pulled the trigger? I figured that's why we were waiting for all of the bad guys (pirates) to get arrested before the PTB and Obama would allow Iraq to pull the trigger or push the "Red Button".
DeleteI was told that Okie was our Eye In the Sky patrolling the waters which is why he has not landed the plane. I'm still trying to figure out how he hasn't ran out of fuel but then again he has connections at the CBI, military and gov't who scramble up 30k feet to refuel him. That's the greatest thing about auto-pilot, you can run a website and conference from anywhere in our stratosphere.
As for the dinar being an internationally traded currency this is what I said.
Delete"Are the banks trading the dinar now? There used to be several in my area. There are none now. The dinar is only meant for use in Iraq. It is a pegged currency and it does not float. Right now it is not an internationally traded currency. But let’s consider for a moment that Iraq wants their dinar to be internationally traded like some of the other currencies on Forex.
Iraq’s currency could become an internationally traded currency after the redenomination process is finished. In other words they redenominate and you miss the trade in period because you are unable to exchange the old denominations for the new denominations. After the trade in period expires and the process is over then the new dinar becomes an internationally traded currency. No one knows for sure that they will redenominate and become an international currency at the same time! Just like no one knows that they will redenominate and dedollarize at the same time. They may choose to dedollarize long after the redenomination process.
Consider this, It would benefit Iraq to redenominate in country only and get rid of all the old currency outside its borders without providing liquidity. It would not need to send the billions of US dollars back to the United States that it once got for it’s now worthless currency in the first place. They won’t need to print as many lower denominations saving even more cost on the redenomination."
This was in response to questions and comments I received at that time. Someone used the phrase internationally traded in this context to say that Iraq would honor its currency outside of Iraq in the event of a redenomination.
Chuckles is right. Aside from this comment above my main references to internationally traded and my definition of it is referring to using the IQD as a reserve currency. (not gonna happen)
However In this context I was discussing a probable scenario of trading in the currency in the event of a redenomination.
So in other words if Iraq did allow international status for their currency prior to a redenomination it may need to provide liquidity for all the currency outside its border. IMHO I just don’t see this happening. The currency is only to be used in Iraq. There is over 31 trillion dinar outside of the banks right now. How much of that do you think is still in Iraq? Let’s say Iraq has 5 trillion outside its border? (I believe this number is far higher) That means that it will now need to provide liquidity for that 5 trillion. That is 5 billion US dollars they get to keep by not honoring their currency outside their borders. There is a reason no bank wants to touch this toxic currency right now. But believe what you want.
In a way the dinar is already internationally traded. After all because of speculators the dinar remains a major export for that country. Not bad for a currency that is only supposed to be used within the border of Iraq. Don't expect Iraq to trade back and provide US dollars to speculators. This is the real reason no banks in the US will touch this stuff. Good luck finding liquidity in the event of a redenomination.
I agree with Sam. There have been a lot of people hurt from this investment. I personally know people who have been hurt bad. I get contacted by people all the time. I got contacted by one person who had an employer who took their retirement savings and purchased dinar with it. This person was using the information on my site to challenge their employer. This is a dangerous thing and many people have been hurt by it.
I regret being involved with this. I regret investing in dinar. But I am comforted in the knowledge of knowing I led more people away from the dinar then I led to it!
Marcus Curtis
Yeah....Im laughing alright.
ReplyDeleteWhat is with you and internationally tradeable? Are you really going to hang onto that irrelevance? What does Iraq have that the world needs dinar to buy? Sand? Who cares if its "internationally tradeable" or not? Its hyperiflated to the tune of 85 trillion dinar. That and the fact that massive currency appreciations cannot happen in economics pretty much says it all. You are waiting for something to happen that doesn't exist. That's the bottom line. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS MASSIVE RVs. Whether sonny1 cough cough I mean Dontlop has you convinced otherwise is irrelevant.
It was the banks in the uk that convinced me. Remember I was a lopster and turned around to believing in the RV the opposite of what happened with Marcus Curtis.
ReplyDeleteSo marcus gained logic and you lost the little that you had!! That's believeable. Go back to the bank(s) and ask them to explain their position to you in proper relevant terms. Oh let me guess you haven't thought about that one either because Adam hasn't told you to do so. LOL!!!!!!
DeleteLook here. You're attempt at trying to have a decent conversation sucks because your eventually going to lead up to TROLLING!!! Your credibility is pulverized.
The banks in the UK huh? Hows that workin out for ya? Who knows how many suckers were convinced to open accounts in the UK banks by being told what they wanted to hear.
ReplyDeleteWhat is Iraq waiting for? al-Qaida to take over the entire country? Maybe that's the next conspiracy you can cling to so that you can sleep better at night. Ask yourself........if Iraq was going to "RV" don't you think they would have by now? That whole question is a joke seeing how RVs are fantasy.
Dinarck you have to go for the jugular don't you. I think we will find out this year if an RV or lop will happen. I'm personally holding until 2018 - if nothing happens I'm selling up
ReplyDeleteSo if you're convinced that we will find out this year why wait till 2018? What's special about 2018 the interest you'll have compounded on the dinar based on what the "UK banks" have told you you'll earn? Oh wait!! You opened up CD's in that UK bank with the dinar you bought and will have matured by then? It's very possible that you may have to go exchange your dinar with al-Qaeda between now and 2018 because the Money Service Businesses (dinar dealers) in the US will have stopped selling and buying back IQD. Yes you are right. The options are endless!!! LMAO.....
DeleteNo one out of the people I know asked the banks - it was the other way round Dinarck
ReplyDeleteCan you see how telling so many lies is making you sound more ridiculous each time?? Now the banks have staff members on corners in trench coats like drug peddlers and pimps whispering, "psst.. hey, you wanna get rich over night?!.. I got the best and freshest info. there's this cat named okie...." or are they simply plastering posters throughout the banks with the motto "got dinar?"
DeleteDude,,, I don't know what you're smoking, sipping or sniffing but I'll tell you what. I can't quit laughing...
So the banks run around telling everyone about the imminent "RV" huh? ROFL. Only in dinar land would that seem to be a logical statement. So.......why do the banks bother telling people about the "RV"? If they know for certain its going to happen then why don't they buy a billion dinar so that they can be multi-trillionaires after the "RV". I guess they want to look out for the customers huh? More like they aren't looking to make money off a "RV" but from suckers like yourself who open accounts because they believe in the economic tooth fairy. LOL......what a joke. I cant believe I am even having this conversation. Just speaking to you can drop a persons IQ Dinarbeliever.
ReplyDeleteIt's entertaining to say the least. I'm so glad I cancelled my cable because this has turned to comedy central here with DinarBeliever's bumbling stories. Don't be surprised if another response from him along the lines of "the PTB forced the banks to make an agreement that they would not interfere with the Money Service Business of the US and Ali in the UK so they can become wealthy." The Rothschild in England don't want the banks to be greedy you know.
Delete"My UK bank told me to buy Dinar. If you don't believe me ask them yourself" has already been well & truly debunked when I called DB's bluff and did just that. The response was the usual hysterical panicked trolling as witnessed across a number of topics.
DeleteEven fellow Dinarians on DinarVets openly mock DinarBeliever's childish fake 'bank stories'.
Do you guys run baghdad invest as SAMs post has appeared their
ReplyDeleteYou probably put them there TROLL. I never heard of that site / forum / blog whatever it is you utilize to advance your false hope and pointless knowledge.
DeleteI expected you guys to take the piss but I am telling you guys the truth.
ReplyDeleteAnd we're telling you the truth. Obviously both truths are cancelling each other out because you don't get it still. TROLL.
DeleteI will try and make this as easy as possible to understand. The Iraqi dinar will never be a globally traded currency by itself. It will be incorporated into a basket at best when they get security under control (it's all about risk and stability). If you don't understand what I mean read this. What I'm getting at is that countries surrounded by unstable countries never go international alone. The reason being of the risk of the area around them. Ok, look at Saudi Arabia (great GDP, great currency value, totally secure), they are safe and have maintained a great rate but haven't over printed their currency into a liability. Is this starting to make sense? They are still in a GCC basket! You can invest in it but it is not internationally traded like the USD and held as a reserve currency. It just doesn't work that way my friend. Sorry,
ReplyDeleteOn a lighter note why wouldn't you make your money work for you and sit back and wait for 2018 for a return? Stick 10,000 in a credit union and collect 6%. Sounds almost too easy doesn't it. If your "money you can afford to lose" isn't making you ANY money, then guess what? YOU ARE LOSING MONEY!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteVinnyj7 very harsh words can't you think of something more original than troll- something you have done on dinar sites for years. To chuckles thanks for the input I appreciate your information and view point - has me thinking. I am comfortable with the money I have in dinars and have decided not to buy anymore. I will put money in an isa and have been looking at fracking. I have heard good things about the ISX. To vinnyj7 baghdad invest is the site that did the RV hoax experiment -man you need to get clued up it supports your view. Chuckles respect. Vinnyj7 please don't choke.
ReplyDeleteIn Internet slang, a troll is one who comes to a forum or blog with a hidden agenda to disrupt and provoke other participants. Isn't that what you have been doing DB?
DeleteIn my experience "lopsters" as you like to call us typically post what they genuinely think, that a huge RV is not possible, and makes it clear their goal is to get others to see this obvious truth. There is nothing hidden about it and what they want is to constructively engage on the issue. It may indeed be upsetting and does often provoke other participants, who believe in the RV, but that is not the goal. The goal is the education not the upset. If I could get people to understand what is going on without upsetting them that would be great. But, since gaining the understanding that the RV is a myth pretty often comes with the understanding that you have behaved stupidly, its understandably upsetting. So a lobster posting, at least in the manner I have described, on a pro-RV site like DV is not trolling while you coming here and just throwing out inflammatory posts with no intent on actually discussing anything, is trolling.
Spot on jrg. This is blatant trolling. Upsetting RV-addicts as a side-effect of debunking common lies, myths and delusions about the imaginary made-up "RV" is not trolling. It only comes across as "trolling" to those so addicted to "Hopium" they are pathologically incapable of accepting any facts or holding any two-way debate whatsoever and who see forums like DinarVets as 'entitlement comfort blankets' that everyone else must pay "emotional tribute" to...
DeleteDinarBeliever, clearly you are smoking something because unlike you I haven't lived on dinar sites for years or even a year. What I've done is foreign to you which is researched a lot of this nonsense. Unlike you I didn't fall for the scam but was approached a few times by friends who got sucked in so I've attempted to open their eyes and eventually one realized the truth. The other three are in the same utopian boat as you and in fact they have traded in friendship for greed. So like Sam and others, my goal is try to help others see reality. I've learned a lot from this site, Marcus and gaining interest in a class I despised in high school which is economics / monetary policy by searching the truth.
ReplyDeleteWhile I should not have to spend my time reading the nonsense about the RV dreamers there is a side to this entire fallacy that has intrigued me so knowledge is power. Much of what I learned I've been able to apply towards other factions of my life so I see it as an opportunity that presented itself to not only help benefit others but myself as well. Understanding how scams, tactics, schemes, lies, preyers, etc... manifest and exist can only enhance your awareness.
I'm a fan of the show "American Greed" which exposes scammers much like the dinar world. You'll be surprised how many alleged Pastors or people of faith are uncovered with that show also so their is a great similarity. Google the show and watch some episodes.
Folks after 10 years there is no RV of IQD and there never will be...Period
ReplyDeleteThanks Sam for deleting his post
ReplyDeleteI don't condone your behaviour but since I have no evidence that you're anything other than a troll I think it's best to leave personal information out of the comments.
DeleteSam, I see you deleted my post and hey it's your site so of course you have that right. But if you agree he is a troll why allow his nonsense to continue. You moderated his trolling before but have allowed him to return with the same. Just sayin!!
DeleteYou're right, vinny. I tried to give him a second chance, plus I hate putting comments on moderation but I guess I have no choice now. I can't risk the liability that comes with publishing personal information. Even when I post about scammers and pumpers I only post links to information that other people have published so the liability is elsewhere.
DeleteSam I understand and respect your decision. ;-)
DeleteHave to smile reading DB "expert rhetoric" about Iraq :-) like to see "eagle" with other pastors prostelizing in the mosque in any Muslim country. Once for all NOBODY in Iraq has interest about money created by US admini 2003 .
ReplyDeleteThis explains that the Swiss dinar was given an official exchange rate thru the dates of October 15,2003 thru January 15,2004
For four months only then it was demonetized again
Before the 15th of October 2003 it had no official exchange rate at the cbi
And the cbi is and was the only issuing authority in Iraq for currency
So if you can't figure out that the Swiss dinar was revalued to bad
It was done by decree it also states that on this official document from the CPA on October 14 2003 and it is signed by Paul bremmer himself at the bottom
You people need to learn the meaning of the term PROMULGATE.
It means by decree
Your link doesn't work. I'm assuming that you meant A revaluation is done by a central bank to adjust a pegged currency, not by a provisional authority to establish the value of a currency in a war zone. What you're referring to was an effort made by the CPA to establish economic stability by assessing an official value to a currency that had none as you noted yourself. Apples and oranges. What the gurus are talking about when they say revalue is that the official value of the IQD will be raised by the CBI to a valuation that will provide a windfall for speculators. Not gonna happen.
DeleteDontlop, first of all your link is broken, and secondly, the Swiss Dinar was redenominated by 1:150 vs the NID over that period as part of trying to unify the Kurds and the Arabs.
DeleteTo clear up anyone's confusion, the "Swiss Dinar" didn't "revalue" (nor could it being unpegged). What happened was it appreciated naturally under Saddam vs the "Saddam Dinar" because the Swiss printing plates were no longer available during the sanctions on Iraq and Saddam couldn't keep devaluing it like he did the Saddam Dinar (damaged notes also never got replaced). In 2003, the CPA redenominated it by 1:150 (which didn't make Swiss Dinar holding Iraqi's 150x richer either) when they changed the banknotes design of the Saddam Dinars over and merged the two to correct the discrepancy in value vs the inflated Saddam's -> NID's.
"After the Gulf War, the Iraqi government disendorsed the old currency, favoring newly printed Saddam dinars, and the Swiss dinar ceased to be legal tender. However, the old currency still circulated in the politically isolated Kurdish regions of Iraq. The government of the Kurdish region did not have the printing plates of the Swiss Dinar, but it also refused to accept lower-quality Saddam notes (which were issued in huge amounts). Since the supply of Saddam notes increased while the supply of Swiss dinar notes remained stagnant (even decreased because of torn notes), the Swiss dinar appreciated against the Saddam note. By having its own stable currency, the northern part of Iraq effectively evaded inflation, which ran rampant throughout the rest of the nation."
An appreciation is not an "RV" no matter how many times you scream the contrary and demand people accept your fake fantasy. What happened in 2003-2004 was, for each Swiss Dinar Kurds handed in they got back 1500 Dinar but the price of everything in Kurdistan also got repriced upwards by same factor to match the new inflated NID's, ie, a 10 Swiss Dinar product was repriced as 1,500 NID's to match the rest of the country.
Dontlop - "So if you can't figure out that the Swiss dinar was revalued to bad"
It wasn't "revalued", it was redenominated by 1:150 vs the NID. There was nothing to "revalue" since the Swiss Dinar was neither pegged nor legal currency. It was an unofficial "floating" currency that had no peg to anything. That's why it remained static vs a depreciating Saddam Dinar. An "RV" is a peg adjustment - that's ALL an RV is - it's the peg you're revaluing! You can't "RV" an unpegged currency. And being demonetized the Swiss Dinar wasn't "pegged" to anything.
Dontlop - "You people need to learn the meaning of the term PROMULGATE."
And you need to learn what you're talking about as so far, you've managed to get everything as completely wrong as you can out of wishful thinking / historical revisionism both here and over on DinarVets. LOL.
Here's the official announcement from 10 years ago:-
DeleteNew Iraqi Currency Introduced October 15, 2003
"Starting on October 15th 2003 a new national currency known as the 'new Iraqi dinar' will begin to replace the existing currency, the 'old dinar', and the currency used in the North of Iraq, the 'swiss dinar'. The new Iraqi dinar will create a single unified currency that is used throughout all of Iraq and will also make money more convenient to use in people's everyday lives.
The currency exchange will last from October 15th 2003 to January 15th 2004. Currency can be exchanged at any time during this three-month period. Locations where money can be exchanged will include banks and other official locations, for example post offices, throughout Iraq. No fees will be charged for exchanging currency.
The conversion rates for new Iraqi dinars will be as follows:
- one 'old dinar' will be exchanged for one new Iraqi dinar;
- one unit of the 'swiss' dinar will be exchanged for 150 new Iraqi dinars.
Bank accounts and financial contracts in Swiss dinars will also be converted at the rate of 150 new Iraqi dinars for every one Swiss dinar. Bank accounts and contracts in old Iraqi dinar will not change.
What will be the rate that is used to convert old currency into new currency?
People who hold one old Iraqi dinar will receive one new Iraqi dinar. People who have one 'Swiss' dinar will receive 150 new Iraqi dinars.
Why were these rates selected?
These rates will help to equalize prices throughout all of Iraq -- helping to ensure that the prices of goods will be roughly the same across the whole country. Key Iraqis, including officials at the Iraqi Central Bank as well as leaders of the autonomous regions in northern Iraq, were consulted on this issue and fully supported this decision.
Also note this gem at the bottom:-
Can dollars also be exchanged for new Iraqi dinars? What will be the conversion rate for dollars?
Dollars will not be converted directly into new dinars during the official exchange. Following the exchange, dollars will be convertible directly into new dinars at the market exchange rate. New dinars will also be convertible into dollars as well as other currencies at the market exchange rate.
Will it be possible to exchange currency outside of Iraq?
No. The only official currency exchange locations will be located within Iraq.
Hello dontlop. It's good to know the committed dinarians are starting to visit this site. There's hope that a few of you make get awakened from your drunken, "I'm going to be rich" stupor and stop handing over your dollars to these con men. If you're prepared to discuss the dinar logically, I hope you'll come back and visit more often. But, perhaps you should learn the difference between a revaluation and redenomination before you come back. It helps to understand the basic terminology.
DeleteMe : "What happened in 2003-2004 was, for each Swiss Dinar Kurds handed in they got back 1500 Dinar"
ReplyDeleteSorry, obvious typo. Should have read "What happened in 2003-2004 was, for each Swiss Dinar Kurds handed in they got back 150 Dinar".
I cruised over to DV the other day and see they are still posting the Jeffrey Frankel nonsense and misinterpreting it as always, even though it was debunked back in 2006. Back then dinarian where claiming it meant a $1:30 value. Now at DV they are claiming he stated they could peg to oil, as if they would peg to oil reserves in ground. What he really said was they could peg to the price of oil. They could peg to a basket which include oil price. The dinar would be valued based on the dollar/Euro/Price of Oil.
ReplyDeleteI had an e-mail conversation with Frankel when he made the statement and he said dinar holders were misinterpreting what he said. He said he was in no way suggesting any value for dinar, it was just an example of how to control the fluctuations in value.
He also stated this later. I don’t see Don’t Lop and Dinar Believer promoting this over at DV.
Jeffrey Frankel, a Harvard economics professor, calls the activity “pretend currency trading.” “I’ve received a large number of e-mails from people saying, ‘I understand you’re an expert on Iraq. Do you have any views? Can you advise me?’” he says. “I get the feeling that all these people doing this shouldn’t be. They’re little people, they don’t know what they’re doing, and they’re going to lose a lot of money.”
Well I see Dontlop posted over here today and then was too gutless to admit it over at DV. He is pretending that it wasn't him since Brian absolutely embarrassed him with facts. Instead he is relentlessly whining to Fib about the fantasy Swiss Dinar RV. He wont stop yapping about the Swiss dinar being given an "official exchange rate". I guess he must have forgotten how myself RVpleasetoday and a few others totally dominated Dontlop back in April of 2012 in a thread that went 57 pages of Dontlop throwing tantrums after he was shown to be making up lies. Look it up Fib and use it against him. It is in the LOP tank archives about 4 pages back. We easily showed Dontlop (using his own links) that the Swiss dinar was NEVER given an official exchange rate but instead was given a CONVERSION RATE by the CPA. OF course just like a good dinar pumper, Dontlop doesn't let facts get in his way. He just repeats the lie over and over until some start to believe it. Of course only after getting his opposition banned. So now he is yelling at Fib stating that he can show him when the CBI gave the Swiss Dinar an official exchange rate. He cannot however since it never happened. Facts don't matter only creation of RV illusion.
ReplyDeleteSo I ask again just like I did in April of 2012 Dontlop..............where is this "official exchange rate" that was given to the Swiss Dinar by the CBI. It must have been pretty hard for the CBI to do anything since they were not even in charge at the time. Do we need to post again the document showing the CPA to be in charge of all of the currency exchanges at the time? We can do that again for you if you like. Here it is.........
So since all of this has already been shown to you and your own link proves that the Swiss dinar was in FACT never given an official exchange rate but instead given a CONVERSION RATE by the CPA then why do you keep spouting off the lie over and over again? Since you are too afraid to come over here and answer the question then hopefully someone will post this at your censorship site or Fib can ask the question for me. Either way your only stupid argument that you keep yammering on and on about has been shown to be a lie before and its being shown to be a lie again. Time to make up another lie to keep the sheep buying dinar from your bosses.
Fib I meant April of 2013.
ReplyDeleteWhat a douchbag.
ReplyDeleteIt’s this simple. The official rate of the Swiss dinar was the exact the same as the Saddam dinar. They were both the Iraqi dinar. They are the same currency. There was no difference between the two in the eyes of the Central bank. It was only on the streets that they were talked about as being different. The Saddam dinars were simply a continuation of the Swiss dinars. Iraq never decommissioned the Swiss notes, they simply lost the ability to get them, so they started getting notes from a Chinese printer and those were then referred to as the Saddam notes. The Swiss notes simply wore out and became worthless because of the massive printing of the Saddam notes. Iraqis were only using the 500 and 10000 Saddam notes at the end. The difference was in the Kurd North, which was autonomous, they didn’t want the new notes and continued to use the old Swiss notes. They still lost value, just not nearly as much as the Saddam notes used in the rest of Iraq. It was for that simple reason that when they did the currency swap they gave a better CONVERSION rate for the Swiss dinar in the north... even though it technically had the same official exchnage rate as the Saddam dinar.
Dontlop just doesnt know when to quit.....the only people that listen to his nonsense are the ones at DV that simply dont know any better!!
ReplyDeleteDontlop should just change his screen name to dinarpumper. Its blatantly obvious his agenda. He is still over there yapping continuously about the Swiss Dinar "RV". LOL. Its funny how only he sees that trillions of percent RV and nobody else is privy to such an event. The guy is desperate and doesn't know what else to do to keep dinar sales active. Its not like it matters anyway. The Swiss dinar event was a neutral exchange just as the upcoming redenomination will be.
ReplyDeleteJust like a common RV addict his very own links PROVE that what he is saying is false and just like a common RV junky he ignores that fact and continues to spout off the lies anyway. Dinarbeliever is guilty of this as well. It isn't about right or wrong or facts or fiction its about creating the illusion that RVs are real by deception and lies. Its what make the dinar scam work.
With the turn of events in Iraq, well maybe not a turn at all but rather an escalation, this thing may come to an end soon but due to tragedy instead of a re-denomination, with the deteriorating situation it looks as if Iraq could well be sinking into a civil war with tragic consequences for all involved. All the resources the Coalition poured into that effort will be for naught but that is nothing compared to all the lives lost and disabling injuries, causalities on both sides of this conflict was the real cost and for what? No one wants to see this scam come to an end any more than I do but not with Iraq degrading into civil war as the reason, I fear that if this happens it is going to mean that many thousands of lives and untold Billions, if not trillions, of Dollars will have been squandered only to see Iraq worse off than before.
ReplyDeleteSorry for getting a bit of topic but the recent news about Iraq is really discouraging.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteDontlop: Of course the rate set for the Swiss Dinar by the CPA was "by decree", as it was the CBI (or CPA) setting the rate, but it was not RE-valued. Not having a value (i.e. being demonitized) is not the same as having a value of 0. We are talking about an exchange rate, the price for which you can buy one currency with another. So never can that rate be 0, its nonsense. Could you go into the CBI and say "hey I'm a generous guy, here's a penny give me a trillion Swiss Dinar"? Of course not. The Swiss Dinar became a local currency when Saddam demonitized it and while the Saddam Dinar depreciated the Swiss held its value and the CPA recognized that when they put the whole country back onto a new currency. Likewise the KWD became a local currency for a few months when Saddam took over the central bank, and its value plummeted. When Saddam was removed and the central bank reopened, the rate was resumed at near to what it was before.
ReplyDeleteFurther your obsession to somehow call either events in Kuwait with the KWD, or events in Iraq with the Swiss Dinar an RV, so (I presume in your view) somehow that makes the mythical IQD RV plausible, is also nonsense. You call similar things the same to denote their similarity, you don't make things similar by calling them the same thing. Whatever you want to call it, does what happened in Kuwait and Iraq instruct us about what might happen with the IQD? At anytime during these events did the exchange rate of either currency go above the ability of the central bank to cover the money supply with its reserves? No. It won't in Iraq either.
Yeah it really is sad dwm but not surprising for that region. More than likely a Saddam like dictator will step in to rule by fear and oppression. Its what the people over there are use to. Sad but true.
ReplyDeleteI can already see the delusioned blaming the deterioration of Iraq on the RV never happening. Many will never realize that massive RVs are not a real thing only that they were robbed of their riches by a brutal civil war. Sad but true as well.
Even if not a civil war or other breakdown of the Iraqi Government they will just find something else to blame it on. Just look at some of the delusional justifications they use now to support how "the RV" is going to happen, will it be any different after this scam finally collapses? Probably not for most of them, they will blame it on Maliki, Obama, the PTB or the Man-in-the-moon but most will not admit it was just simply never going to happen.
DeletePeeking at recaps for a quick second reveals that the number of comments have been minimal with the exception of the usual nonsensical okie posts. Seems like recaps hired shills come out in droves to keep that cartoon character alive. Most talk now is about AGAIN Maliki being the hold up. LOL. That has been the new generous window of April after Maliki is voted out. LMAO.... Guru creativity is running extremely low on gas with providing weekly windows so now they are doing quarterly windows. Heh, heh, heh!!!
ReplyDeleteI am not dontlop. I could care less about the dinar anymore.
ReplyDeleteI'm banned from d.v and haven't been on there in months.
That's COULDN'T care less but then when did you ever get anything right? Lol!
DeleteSince that you "could" care less about the Dinar maybe you would like to explain to me again how Iraq plans on backing the "RV" with the newly "RVed" Dinar?? Come on now you tried to tell me before, no you insisted on it and even tried to belittle at me for challenging you, come on what do you say now? LMAO!!!
Lol banned! Liar. You're not banned. Anyone that's banned profile can't be looked up and would say banned if you were. And yes you are dontlop.
DeleteIs your "aunt" still screwing people out of money selling dinar? Funny how this "aunt" pops up out of nowhere and starts selling dinar on DV. Hmmmm.
Not sure if he's Dontlop or not, I think Dontlop might be a bit smarter!! Lol!
DeleteThe funniest thing I've ever read from sonny was when he said he had a website and the power to have obama lose reelection. Lol. The guy is a great fictional writer
DeleteYou don't look "banned" to me...
Gotta love sonny. He's always there for a good laugh. His theories, or pumping, were by far the most entertaining.
ReplyDeleteYeah he was entertaining alright that's for sure!
DeleteAs one of my favorite examples of guru idiocy when discussing this scam with folks I talk with I still use Sonny's insistence that Iraq was going to back the "RVed" Dinar with more Dinar! He insisted that it would work that way and they wouldn't need Dollars to back a "RV" since the "RVed" Dinar would now be worth more!!! Lol!
Hows that for entertainment?
Jmw, I see changing the j to a d hasn't changed ur dickheadedness. Lol.
ReplyDeleteCalling no comment on you, your still a troll I see. No, I was banned from dv.
Jmw hows medic doing? Are you still calling him at 3am and talking about all the stuff ur going to buy when it rv's? Sam works hard on this site and does a great job, it just sucks that a few that comment are complete zeros....
Wrong again Sonny but then what else is new? I am not Jmw and I was not whoever it was you and a couple of others accused me of being when I was banned over at that idiot farm when I confronted you about backing the "RV" with more Dinar, I guess you still won't answer that one will you? Lol! I have only been on DV as one person and had no interest in continuing there except as an observer on occasion, if you think back you may or may not remember who I was since I was only around that one time for a few weeks.
DeleteCome on now are you going to explain how Iraq is going to back this "RV" with more Dinar? You were CERTAIN of it then so how about you explain again how that since the "RVed" Dinar would be worth more it would be used to back the "RV" instead of Dollars, come on now I'm waiting! LMAO AGAIN!!!
Brian, look at the last time I was on the site. So ya it does look like I was banned. Come on read before you look foolish...
ReplyDeleteYou're not banned. You just stopped posting under sommy1. Old software would say you are banned but the new software won't even allow anyone to look up someone whose banned. You're not fooling anyone dontlop.
Deletesonny1, your profile may be unused for a few months, but you certainly aren't "banned" as you falsely claimed. Genuinely banned profiles are not visible at all, and "Banned" appears underneath every single one of your past post's avatar / picture if you were such as this one. Instead, your's still clearly says "Member". I'm certainly not the one looking foolish...
DeleteExactly Brian, you can see member with banned under title and you wouldn't be able to open members profile page. Sonny, this is not DV...we are smarter than that.
DeleteSonny1 you state that you don't care about the dinar- have you got out of the dinar altogether?
ReplyDeleteYes he has. He's posted under dinarlady and ripping people off claiming its sonny1 aunt.
DeleteBy the way, look at this link. This is what it looks like when someone is banned. Nice try sonny. Hurry and go ban yourself
ReplyDeleteSonny1 I really respect your views on the IQD and it would be a blow to hear that you no longer believe in the dinar or investing in Iraq. So I am asking do you no longer believe the IQD will revalue and if not why not?
ReplyDeleteRespect is views??!! Dude what planet are you living on. The guy has no clue what he's talking about. Sam has a thread on here dedicated to his nonsense. Just because he's screaming go RV and pumping nonsense doesn't mean he's right and that's the only reason at you "respect" his view because it's what you want to hear. Sonny is an imbecile.
DeleteWhy do you need comfort from sonny when the banks in the UK let the secret out!!!! See how dumb you look every time you post lol.
ReplyDeleteWith respect sonny1 I have followed you for a long time on dinar vets and read your posts here. I am one of many people that have listened to your views on the IQD. If you feel the dinar will not revalue then I feel you should say so and give reasons. I have a huge amount of respect for you Sonny1 but I feel you should speak the truth about the IQD investment.
ReplyDeleteWell we'll look at DinarBeliever, the poy calling the kettle black. LOL!!! You're always running from answers yet demand the same from others. Typical DV puppet talk. You should use your own advice about "...speak the truth..." Like UK bankers discussing RV and dinar recommendations with customers. Geeeez!
DeleteDinarbeliver I have my doubts. To much in circulation. They feel its stable. Plus every article is a lop article. So ya I feel its not going to happen. And callingfoolsout. I was and only was sonny1. I'm not dontlop I'm not dinarlady I was sonny and only sonny. Sorry calling but your going to have to troll on someone elses posts.
ReplyDeleteYep I'm sure lol. Just keep up your lies. You've proven yet again about being "banned" why you're a joke. How's your aunt doing? Going to ignore that too. Link is there for everyone to see.
DeleteOh so now the dinar in circulation matters??? Boy you sure are something else lol. What happened I dinar backing dinar so it doesn't matter about amount in circulation.
DeleteDB, what happened to your wink wink nudge nudge confirmation from the uk banks? Man this thread just got entertaining.
CFO says,
Delete"Man this thread just got entertaining"
That it did! I have gotten some good laughs in the past over that Dinar backing Dinar nonsense that Sonny insisted on and honestly I have been sitting here laughing my azz off at him all over again, I love it because this is exactly the kind of pumping BS that needs to be showed up for what it is, so how about it Sonny are you going to just dodge the issue?
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteWow, I'm really honored! It seems every time I manage to hit a nerve with one of these dip$#!^$ I get accused of being someone else that has embarrassed them in the past! Sorry Sonny, Easy and a couple of others I was ONE person a long time ago over on the idiot farm and I never posted anywhere from that time until recently when I discovered this site and the sanity that is the norm here, it took me only a short time to get burned out completely on the delusion and utter nonsense that prevails on DV, this was back before the silly Lopster tank.
ReplyDeleteCome on Sonny, Iraq is going to back their "RV" with more Dinar right? Tell us all about how that's going to work because the "RVed" Dinar will now be worth more!
Thanks Sonny1 for the disclosure I wish you all the best for the future. I happen to disagree but yes those M2 figure if correct is a major factor and blow to any revaluation happening. I still feel those numbers are not correct maybe I am in denial. My bank story is true and I stand by that- the only reason why I am still in this investment. I thinks it time to stay away from this site and the dinar forums because if the dinar is a scam I don't want to mislead anyone. Your disclosure is a major blow to me.
ReplyDeleteLol. The funniest post yet! Really!!?? Sonny post is a major lnow to you! The guy knows NOTHING! The only reason why you listened to him in the first place is because told you things you wanted to hear. The m2 numbers are absolutely correct and your bank story is a joke. Stop already
DeleteDB: "I still feel those numbers are not correct maybe I am in denial."
DeleteThat is indeed the case:-
"Money Supply M2 in Iraq increased to 85122 IQD Billion in October of 2013 from 84695 IQD Billion in September of 2013"
Iraq's Money Supply : 85,122tn Dinar:-
"2013 Growth in money supply = 13.8% (table 1, page 25, IMF report on Iraq 2013)"
Money and quasi money growth (annual %):-
Db good luck to you too.
ReplyDeleteIf you feel good about it ride it out.
Don't let an idiot like me sway you one way or another.
So now sonny the money supply does matter?? What happened to the money supply does not matter?
DeleteDoes it not bother you that people spent money they could not afford because of your BS posts? I know you probably thought, like most scam artists do, that it's the suckers' own faults for falling for it but what about the innocent people that got hurt? What about children that suffered from their parents' irresponsibility? You just shut your eyes to them didn't you? What about impressionable people who actually believed in you not out of greed but out of desperation and your BS brought them false hope? Scum like you have done untold injury not to the greedy but to the innocent associated with them, particularly the children of some of these people but that doesn't bother you at all does it?
I will ride it out I spent the money already. I wish you all the luck in the world Sonny1 I have always felt you were sincere. It's time to keep quiet and I won't be buying anymore dinar. If it RV's maybe I could stay in touch and buy you a beer. If it lops well it was a dream. Out of all the IQD experts I feel you were the one to listen to. I think its crypto currencies for me know.
DeleteI'm going to make a sincere apology to Sam I am and the members here. I'm very sorry for my Trolling and I understand that you guys are trying to bring some truth to the IQD. I have a lot of thinking to do and I am going to stay away from the forums.
ReplyDeleteYeah, yeah, yeah..... We'll see you're being sincere or if it's part of the admitted trolling game. Actions are valued more than words.
DeleteYou know dmw your right, I'm sure people bought dinar off of things I posted-said. The good news to that is that ali buys it back. I never felt guilty because at the time I believed it too.
ReplyDeleteNow that I don't think its likely to happen I don't post on any sites. I don't want anyone to buy anymore or I don't want anyone to sell because of me either. Lets say the 1 and million longshot comes in, I don't want that burden of convincing someone to sell.
I've said some stupid shit through the years, I believed it, but not anymore.
You can close your eyes if you like but you can't get off that easy, I have been so dedicated to exposing this scam because of what I have seen in just my community from people I know both directly and indirectly and I know also that what I have seen is only a tiny fraction of the misery that's been caused. I know FOR A FACT of children who were fed junk or even went hungry because their delusional and irresponsible parents believed the BS posted on forums INCLUDING DV and spent their grocery money thinking it was about to "pop"! You and others are guilty of causing a LOT of this misery and stupid cop-outs like "Ali buys it back" does not wash your hands of this pal, you still remain just as guilty and trying to justify it by by saying people can sell it back is no consolation to all those that have already suffered, those children suffered and THEY can't sell THAT back!
DeleteIf you are telling the truth (the first time if you are!) then why are you not trying to make amends by making an effort to debunk this scam? Oh I forgot, you said you didn't want to be responsible for someone selling if it did hit the million to one and did "RV" but you know as well as we do that's just a cop-out also! There is no million to one, billion to one or even TRILLION to one chance this thing will "RV", it's absolutely ZERO and you know it!
He's nervous about the Feds. Nothing more. He knows what he's doing and nothing has changed. Be scared sonny. They're coming for you
DeleteDmw who were you on the other site?
ReplyDeleteI'm choosing to not tell people to sell/buy. Adults can make there own decisions. I'm glad there is a new anti dinar robinhood though. The reason why most people don't listen to anti dinar chatter is because of the way most of you come off. Fyi.
The feds? Lol
ReplyDeleteI see you didn't re-grow any brain cells..........
Think back Sonny about arguing that Iraq was going to use Dinar to back more Dinar, I was one that was banned for contesting that stupidity.
DeleteAnd I too think you are worried about the feds and well that you should be, whether we're right or wrong about that just be aware that the internet has a damn good memory!
As far as choosing not to tell anyone not to buy, why does that not come as any surprise? You could do a lot of good but you won't because you simply don't care now just as you didn't care then and the only thing you do care about is your sorry ass which I truly hope to see locked away for a long time!
Sonny1/professor/dontlop/dinarlady, you really think when this all goes down that you won't be involved lol. Keep dreaming pumper.
DeleteTalk about brain cells lol. Look at all the nonsense you've posted throughout the years. Did you forget how stupid you sound when you were pumping the RV? What a joke you are
Locked away?
ReplyDeleteSome of your other posts made you seem somewhat intelligent, but then you throw pure stupidity out there.
Good luck....
Stupidity? Really? YOU of all people talk about someone throwing out stupidity? Lol!
DeleteBesides what's stupid about wanting to see scammers locked up? I don't know if you can or ever will be charged with anything but you and Montana, along with a host of others, most certainly do deserve to do time and I truly hope it happens. Just like back at DV when something is said you either fear or just don't like you guys invariably resort to using insults directed at either the poster, the post itself or both. Well I got news for you Jack that kind of belligerence won't work here and there's nothing you can do about it, we all know you for what you are and you can't ban anyone here!
CFO is right. I did do a post on sonny1 a couple of years ago, but if you'll read it you'll see that I said that I believed that he was trying to get it right.
ReplyDeleteIn fairness to Sonny he was right when he stated that Maliki would prevail, and about the weekend that the PM issue would be resolved. But all of the RV date stuff was off. My thinking on Sonny1's sources is this .... I have no reason to believe that the guy is making money off of anything he says. Sometimes he has been absent from the scene for weeks or months at a time. You don't do that if you're simply pumping. I think the guy trusts his sources, but I also believe his sources don't have a clue what's going on any more than you or I do. Just because your sources are in Dubai and claim to be big investors doesn't mean they know anything. I've talked with many people who have great connections in business, government, the military, the oil industry ... etc. None of their intel on the RV has ever panned out. EVER!"
Sonny1 has just stated that he believed it at the time but now believes he was wrong. There was a time when I believed it too, and there were people who I told about it. Hopefully none of them bought because of me but I did tell them. Some of you might have done the same thing. I think sonny's been flogged enough. Let's move on.
Sam it's your site and I appreciate being allowed to post here and will abide by your wishes, in fact I probably would not have made that last post but we were apparently posting at nearly the same time. I have been a bit harsh with Sonny but I can't make any apologies for it because I have personally seen the harm he has done to some people who followed him and Montana, I have seen the suffering their blatant lies caused the children of two different couples and what it has done to my cousin I have spoken about. The cousin and the parents of those children will only get what they deserve for their greediness but what has happened to those around them and the untold numbers of other innocents is what drives me, Sonny admits he was wrong but he shows little or no remorse for what he has done and shows absolutely nothing that indicates he has any intentions of trying to make amends for the misery he has caused. So to that end I will abide by your wishes but I will not forgive Sonny or those like him just because they begrudgingly admit they were wrong but then not only REFUSE to take responsibility for their despicable actions but continue to make excuses and lame justifications for what they have done! Sorry Sam but as I already told Sonny he can't just wash his hands of the misery he has caused by admitting to "some mistakes" but then trying justify it by saying "they can sell it back". The misery caused to the innocents can not be sold back and a lot of it continues to this day, just my opinion Sam but I think you are letting him off much too lightly. Again it's your site and I honestly have nothing but respect for you and what you are doing here so I will from here on abide by your wishes on this subject.
DeleteIts all good everyone. Dontlop says the Swiss dinar RVed by trillions of percent. LOL. Funny how it was a neutral exchange where NOBODY made one red cent of profit. would think that someone would have made some kind of profit from a RV of trillions of percent. That's weird. I figured Dontlop was a honest person who wouldn't lie or deceive anyone about the MASSIVE trillions of percent "RV" of the Swiss Dinar but history is clear. Nobody made any profit from the CONVERSION of the Swiss dinar into the IQD. It kind of makes you wonder why someone would yap constantly about an event that never happened on a site that is known for banning and censoring the people who opposed him in the past. Weird. It almost seems like he is PUMPING DINAR by creating the illusion that RVs are a real thing by lying constantly about the Swiss and Kuwati Dinar RVs.
ReplyDeleteIts a shame he is too much of a coward to answer for himself on a site where debate is allowed.
I’d like to know where this idea came from that Iraq/Saddam demonetized the Swiss dinar, thereby making its official exchange rate zero. As far as I know there was no demonetization. Iraq simply lost the ability to obtain the Swiss dinar so they started printing the Saddam notes in large denominations and large quantities. The massive inflation made the remaining Swiss dinar worthless. They simply disappeared over time from all of Iraq except in the North where they retained some value.
DeleteWhen Iraq originally issued those Swiss dinar in the eighties they were worth somewhere between $3 (early eighties) down to lets say 20 cents in the late 80s. The CBI documents the rate had dropped to 10 cents in 1991. So 20 cents in the late 80s is just an educated guess.
When Iraq did the conversion to the new dinar they gave 5 cents apiece for the swiss dinar. In what world is issuing something for 20 cents to $3, and then giving 5 cents for it years later… in what world is that a big RV?? That’s devaluation.
Indeed I'm not sure the CBI under Saddam ever demonitized the Swiss dinar vs just running out of them. Certainly dontlop's (from DV) claimed evidence for this is rather goofy in that the doc he claims makes this case does not such thing at all. He repeats this ad-nauseum over at DV, but it doesn't even say what he claims.
Deletee.g. In
he says (reformatted into a normal paragraph)
"When ya read the document you should be aware of the definition of the term Not withstanding When they refer to the Swiss dinar It says not withstanding Bla bla bla with reguard to chapter 1 of the article where it talks about legal tender
So not withstanding the Swiss dinar which isn't legal tender will be exchanged Not withstanding means In spite of
The doc he talks about can be seen here (scroll down to #43), and the section he speaks of is:
"Section 4 Conversion
1) The exchange of currently circulating 1990 dinar banknotes and Swiss dinar banknotes and coins against New Iraqi dinar banknotes shall take place during the Conversion Period by exchanges at the Official Conversion Rates, free of charge, at the offices of the CBI and banks and other institutions designated by the CBI.
2) Notwithstanding paragraph 1 of this Section, Swiss dinar banknotes with a face value of 25 dinars may not be exchanged during the Conversion Period. Such banknotes may only be exchanged pursuant to Administrative Instructions issued by the CBI pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Section.
3) Following the expiration of the Conversion Period,no 1990 dinar banknotes or Swiss dinar banknotes or coins shall be exchanged for New Iraqi dinar banknotes, except as permitted pursuant to Administrative Instructions issued by the CBI."
So paragraph 1 says the Swiss dinar will be exchanged, then paragraph 2 says in spite of that (using dontlop's correct definition of Notwithstanding), the 25 dinar note from the Swiss printing will not be exchanged. Why they didn't exchange the 25s? no idea. But the doc says nothing along the lines of "despite Swiss dinars not being legal tender we will exchange them".
It doesn't really matter since no RV took place either way.. But its a great example of how things get put into the dinar world with at the very least an uncertain factual basis. The CBI history page ( only says that the the ability to print the Swiss dinars was lost (e.g. no plates or proper presses or other needed technology). This ( is a pretty in depth paper on Iraq's economy of the day, and it does discuss the exchange but makes no mention of the Swiss dinar being demonitized.
Typical dinar RV dreamers wasting time unaware of what's NOT to come. This is a poster from Recraps.
ReplyDeletesednet101/08/2014 6:57pm
OMG! Have NONE of you made out an "action plan"???? I have been involved in this venture for just nigh on 10 years. I now have a 150 line item Excel Spreadsheet that details exactly what I will expend, and on whom. IN ADDITION, I have made arrangements to retain a PERSONAL Atty, with signifigant (sp) banking experience, A CPA, and a Personal Chief of Security! Further, I have researched annonymous TRUSTS in Lichtenstein, Properties in various Countries, Avenues for "re-occuring revenue" and other items. GET YOUR ACTS TOGETHER PEOPLE!
"I have made arrangements to retain a PERSONAL Atty, with signifigant (sp) banking experience, A CPA, and a Personal Chief of Security! Further, I have researched annonymous TRUSTS in Lichtenstein, Properties in various Countries, Avenues for "re-occuring revenue" and other items."
DeleteYet still can't seem to understand what a redenomination is.
Think about it. That's all this thing boils down to. Once you understand what a redenomination is, and look at the past history of redenominations, it becomes 100% obvious that's what Iraq will do if they do anything. It's not even a hard thing to understand. I'd say most Jr High students could figure it out.
Sad... really sad.
These people would have to be brain dead not to understand after the ten years this person claims to have been in this mess, it's just more silly feel good hopium to talk about how they will handle their riches when in reality they know it's nothing but a pipe dream yet they still lie to themselves. One of the people I have mentioned talked of building condominiums in the rural area where he lives and renting them cheaply (yep he says rent, not sell) to low income people and has even went so far as talking to property owners about selling or long term leases for building locations. By now he is aware that he has been become somewhat of a local joke and don't actively pursue his "project" anymore but he will still talk at length about his plans to anyone who will listen. I have no doubt this guy would do exactly what he says he would do if he won a Mega-Lottery so it's actually more sad than comical to hear his Delusions of Grandeur but the really sad part is this is one of those people who has caused his children to suffer because of this stupid dream! Some people may think I'm exaggerating this or maybe just making it all up but it's true and this guy is unfortunately only one of many, a great many I fear, who are lying to themselves to the point of insanity and although deep down they are aware this is not going to happen they simply refuse to let go. It's like a drug and that high that comes with the "hopium" of the dreams of becoming fabulously wealthy just seems to block out all common sense and logic, they will tell themselves anything to keep that high going just as a drug addict will do almost anything to keep their high. They understand all right and I have come to believe that it's really not a matter of explaining it to them yet again but it's more a matter of getting them to see themselves and admit what they in reality already know, that it's only a dream!
DeleteI'm beginning to believe that "hopium" is the strongest drug known to man!
Sednet is a mod in Okie's chat room. A month or so ago he was talking about the foreclosure proceedings with his home. I can't remember the specifics, but this has been an ongoing legal battle and he was bragging that he had the court on the run. Near as I can figure, it was some twist on the sovereign citizen claim that the banks made an fraudulent loan